Hello, we are using 2020R2, Build 20.203.0028. Our operation stuff report an issue, that 1 shipment is still confirmed status while the invoice and IN issue doc already been generated and released.
I don’t know the user’s steps and he could not remember. And this issue happens to only 1 shipment not all. And previously in 2020r1, we didn’t encounter this kind of issue. So my large guess it is causing by our recent upgrading from 2020r1 to 2020r2. see below:
Since this issue happened only once, the root cause might not be easily found.
Can anyone firstly give me some directions to quickly fix it, I mean, might correct the shipment status to right.
If I simply update it in DB to status completed? Is it a good way to go?
And if the root cause could be guessed out, it would be very helpful for us to prevent this same kind of issue in the future.
Thank you.