I’m trying to invoke the following:
GET {{url}}/entity/Default/22.200.001/TimeEntry?$filter=cf.DateTime(f='Items.Date')%20ge%20datetimeoffset'2024-08-01'%20and%20cf.DateTime(f='Items.Date')%20le%20datetimeoffset'2024-08-16'&$select=Date,ProjectID,TimeSpent,BillableTime,Employee
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/json
However, I receive the following error:
{ "message": "You have insufficient rights to access the TimeEntry (PM209100) form." }
When I add my user to the “Administrator” role it works fine, but I prefer using a custom role.
Which permissions do I need to add to the role to make this work?
I’ve tried adding all “Time and Expenses”, “Projects”, as well as “Project Management” permissions to no avail.