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I am trying to port some of my calls over from using the Rest API to using the ODATA4 interface. Using a simple call like this…


http://ODATAV4_URL/PX_Objects_In_InventoryItem?$filter=InventoryCD eq 'BCWICFGBLK’&$format=json


How to include a list of all the attributes and values associated to a InventoryItem. With the RestAPI, I could just $expand=Attributes and it would return that in the payload. I can’t seem to figure it out when using ODATA.


Thank you all!



Hi @eelliston 

You might need to retrieve the NoteID for the specific InventoryItem and then query CSAnswers for existing assigned values.

URL/PX_Objects_Cs_CSAnswers?$skip=0&$top=10&$filter=RefNoteID eq '...'

$expand works on ID columns when the navigation properties are set. For example:


It depends on the foreign keys of the table defined at DAC level


You can expand for example Item Class tied to the Item like:

URL/InventoryItem?$filter=InventoryCD eq '...'&$expand=INItemClassByItemClassID

The result comes as


Attributes has no foreign key defined.


Otherwise use RESTAPI Get call to retrieve all those details in one call. 


Hope this helps.

