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422 Unprocessable Entity Error during request

  • 11 March 2022
  • 4 replies


My application creates Bill in Acumatica via REST request 

URL : https://NewAcumatica/entity/ARTSEndpoint/18.200.001/Bill

Body :


  "VendorRef": {

    "value": "byIvan"


  "Description": {

    "value": "d \"1\""


  "Vendor": {

    "value": "AAVENDOR"


  "Date": {

    "value": "2/15/2022"



    "Terms": {

    "value": "NET15"


"PostPeriod": {

    "value": "06-2022"


"CashDiscountDate": {

    "value": "1/31/2022"


  "DueDate": {

    "value": "2/15/2022"


  "Details": >


      "InventoryID": {

        "value": "AACOMPUT01"


      "Project": {

        "value": "X"



      "TransactionDescription": {

        "value": "Lysolays"


      "Branch": {

        "value": "PRODWHOLE"


      "POReceiptNbr": {

        "value": "PR001666"


          "Type": {

        "value": "Receipt"


         "ReceiptQty": {

        "value": "1"


      "Qty": {

        "value": 1.0


      "UnitCost": {

        "value": 23



      "POReceiptLine": {

        "value": 1


      "rowNumber": {

        "value": "1"





It return such error 

I searched and found similar case where it is advised to remove customizations

I checked customization projects and nothing is published 

What I should check in Acumatica configuration ? 

Here stacktrace


    "id": "475d27eb-4ca1-ec11-a082-000c290aa0cc",

    "rowNumber": 1,

    "note": {

        "value": ""


    "error": "Inserting  'AP document' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.; Inserting  'AP document' record raised at least one error. Please review the errors.; CuryDiscTot: Group and document discounts are not supported when the Pay by Line check box is selected.; CuryOrigWhTaxAmt: Withholding taxes are not supported when the Pay by Line check box is selected.",

    "Amount": {

        "value": 23.0


    "ApprovedForPayment": {

        "value": false


    "Balance": {

        "value": 23.0


    "BranchID": {

        "value": "PRODWHOLE"


    "CashAccount": {

        "value": "10200"


    "CashDiscount": {

        "value": 0.00


    "CashDiscountDate": {

        "value": "2022-01-31T00:00:00-08:00"


    "CurrencyID": {

        "value": "USD"


    "Date": {

        "value": "2022-02-15T00:00:00-08:00"


    "Description": {

        "value": "docAlpha BatchID \"1\""


    "Details": O


            "id": "495d27eb-4ca1-ec11-a082-000c290aa0cc",

            "rowNumber": 1,

            "note": {

                "value": ""


            "Account": {},

            "Amount": {

                "value": 23.0


            "Branch": {

                "value": "PRODWHOLE"


            "CalculateDiscountsOnImport": {},

            "DeferralCode": {},

            "Description": {},

            "DiscountCode": {},

            "DiscountPercent": {

                "value": 0.0


            "DiscountSequence": {},

            "ExtendedCost": {

                "value": 23.0


            "F1099Box": {},

            "InventoryID": {

                "value": "AACOMPUT01"


            "ManualDiscount": {

                "value": false


            "NonBillable": {

                "value": false


            "POLine": {},

            "POOrderNbr": {},

            "POOrderType": {},

            "POReceiptLine": {},

            "POReceiptNbr": {},

            "PPVRefNbr": {},

            "Project": {

                "value": "X"


            "ProjectTask": {},

            "Qty": {

                "value": 1.0


            "Subaccount": {},

            "TaxCategory": {

                "value": "EXEMPT"


            "TransactionDescription": {

                "value": "Lysol Disinfectant Sprays"


            "UnitCost": {

                "value": 23.0


            "UOM": {

                "value": "EA"


            "VendorTaxZone": {},

            "custom": {}



    "DueDate": {

        "value": "2022-02-15T00:00:00-08:00"


    "Hold": {

        "value": true


    "LastModifiedDateTime": {

        "value": "2022-03-11T07:07:11.183-08:00"


    "LocationID": {

        "value": "MAIN"


    "PostPeriod": {

        "value": "062022"


    "Project": {

        "value": "X"


    "ReferenceNbr": {

        "value": "<NEW>"


    "Status": {

        "value": "On Hold"


    "TaxTotal": {

        "value": 0.0


    "Terms": {

        "value": "NET15",

        "error": "Terms 'NET15' cannot be found in the system."


    "Type": {

        "value": "Bill"


    "Vendor": {

        "value": "AAVENDOR"


    "VendorRef": {

        "value": "byIvan"


    "custom": {}


Hi @Ivan 

The issue is with Terms. If you see the response, you can find the message on the field level



Hi @Ivan 

The issue is with Terms. If you see the response, you can find the message on the field level



@jinin thanks

the request worked

However there is one moment that did not worked

In my request I send PoReceipt Data

which is lionked with PO 

Previously when I performed requests based on receipt the PO data appeared in Bill

However in this Acumatica 2021R2 PO Order data is missed


What I do wrong ?

Hey @Ivan --

Not that you should have to, but have you tried passing Pay by Line = False? You would have to extend the Bill endpoint to include field:


If you can, go and click the dots next to your postman collection and export it as JSON I will try it myself and see if i can help further!



Edit: Nevermind @jinin got it!

Hey @Ivan --

Not that you should have to, but have you tried passing Pay by Line = False? You would have to extend the Bill endpoint to include field:


If you can, go and click the dots next to your postman collection and export it as JSON I will try it myself and see if i can help further!


Hi @xkylewrightx 

Unfortunately it did not load PO data

Here is my request 


  "VendorRef": {

    "value": "byIvan"


  "Description": {

    "value": "doc"


  "Vendor": {

    "value": "AAVENDOR"


  "Date": {

    "value": "2/15/2022"


        "PaybyLine": {

    "value": "false"


    "Terms": {

    "value": "30D"


"PostPeriod": {

    "value": "06-2022"


"CashDiscountDate": {

    "value": "1/31/2022"


  "DueDate": {

    "value": "2/15/2022"


  "Details": p


      "InventoryID": {

        "value": "AACOMPUT01"


      "Project": {

        "value": "X"



      "TransactionDescription": {

        "value": "Lysol Disinfectant Sprays"


      "Branch": {

        "value": "PRODWHOLE"


      "POReceiptNbr": {

        "value": "PR001666"



         "ReceiptQty": {

        "value": "1"



      "UnitCost": {

        "value": 23



      "POReceiptLine": {

        "value": 1


      "rowNumber": {

        "value": "1"




