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Print Batch/Lot no. and expiry date on invoice

  • 2 April 2021
  • 1 reply


I understand that Acumatica has the ability to input batch/lot no. and expiry for products in the backend. However, i would to know how would it be possible to display it on my invoices for the various items when i print the invoices for delivery.

We are in the medical consumables wholesale business, and each product or SKU has different batch/lot no. with different expiry dates.

Looking forward to your good advise. Thank you.

The target fields and DACs have to be precisely identified. I could not locate them with labels ‘Batch/Lot no.’ and ‘expiry date’. Maybe you are referring to fields INLotSerialStatus.lotSerialNbr and INLotSerialStatus.expireDate.


To display these fields in a report you have to add the DAC/Table INLotSerialStatus in the Build Schema dialog window of the report in Acumatica report designer. You also need to define the table relation in the schema.


I think the relation can be made with ARTran field in your invoice context:  

On<INLotSerialStatus.inventoryID, Equal<ARTran.inventoryID>,
And<INLotSerialStatus.lotSerialNbr, Equal<ARTran.lotSerialNbr>

Once the table relation is setup properly, the INLotSerialStatus fields can be added in the report.
