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On Hyperlink Click,Even after clicking other records its opening first row By default.

Freshman I


Workflow :

In QualityOrderMaint.cs, On Related QC order Tab, When on “Update Results and Sign Off” button, I am inserting the same records in SelectQC view. (TSRelatedQCOrderUpdate.cs - Acting as aUnbound DAC)
On Hyperlink Click,Even after clicking other records its opening first row By default.



      <px:PXSmartPanel runat="server" ID="PXSmartPanel_processqc" DesignView="Content" Height="360px" TabIndex="2000" Width="1000px"
 CreateOnDemand="True" CaptionVisible="True" Caption="Select QC to Process" AlreadyLocalized="False" Key="selectQC" 
 AutoCallBack-Target="PXGrid10_qc" AutoCallBack-Command="Refresh">

      <%--  <px:PXGrid ID="PXGrid10_qc" runat="server" DataSourceID="ds" SkinID="Details" AutoAdjustColumns="True" SyncPosition="true"
            AdjustPageSize="Auto" AllowPaging="True" AllowSearch="True" Width="900px" Height="200px">--%>

                <px:PXGrid runat="server" ID="PXGrid10_qc" SyncPosition="True" Height="200px" SkinID="DetailsInTab" 
    TabIndex="2100" Width="900px" DataSourceID="ds">
          <EmptyMsg ComboAddMessage="No records found.
Try to change filter or modify parameters above to see records here." NamedComboMessage="No records found as '{0}&#39;.
Try to change filter or modify parameters above to see records here." NamedComboAddMessage="No records found as &#39;{0}&#39;.
Try to change filter or modify parameters above to see records here." FilteredMessage="No records found.
Try to change filter to see records here." FilteredAddMessage="No records found.
Try to change filter to see records here." NamedFilteredMessage="No records found as &#39;{0}&#39;.
Try to change filter to see records here." NamedFilteredAddMessage="No records found as &#39;{0}&#39;.
Try to change filter to see records here." AnonFilteredMessage="No records found.
Try to change filter to see records here." AnonFilteredAddMessage="No records found.
Try to change filter to see records here." />
      <AutoSize Enabled="True" MinHeight="200" />
      <Mode AllowAddNew="False" AllowDelete="False" />

                <px:PXGridLevel DataKeyNames="QCOrderType,QCOrderNbr" DataMember="selectQC">
                 <px:PXLinkEdit ID="PXLinkEditQCOrderNbr" runat="server" AlreadyLocalized="False" DataField="QCOrderNbr">
                        <px:PXCheckBox ID="edselectedpro" runat="server" AlreadyLocalized="False" DataField="Selected"></px:PXCheckBox>

                        <px:PXGridColumn DataField="QCOrderType" Width="150px">
                         <px:PXGridColumn DataField="QCOrderNbr" Width="200px" LinkCommand="QCNbr" CommitChanges="true"></px:PXGridColumn>
                        <px:PXGridColumn DataField="Selected" Width="350px" Type="CheckBox">
            <AutoSize Enabled="True" MinHeight="200" ></AutoSize>
            <Mode AllowAddNew="False" AllowDelete="False" ></Mode>
        <px:PXPanel ID="PXPanel14" runat="server" SkinID="Buttons" AlreadyLocalized="False" DataMember="">
            <px:PXButton ID="PXButton21" runat="server" DialogResult="OK" Text="OK" AlreadyLocalized="False" />
            <px:PXButton ID="PXButton24" runat="server" DialogResult="Cancel" Text="Cancel" AlreadyLocalized="False" />




 public PXAction<TSRelatedQCOrderUpdate> QCNbr;
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "QC Nbr", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
        [PXButton(SpecialType = PXSpecialButtonType.Report)]
        // protected virtual void extDoc(PXAdapter adapter)
        protected virtual IEnumerable qcnbr(PXAdapter adapter)

            var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            parameters["OrderType"] = this.selectQC.Current.QCOrderType;
            parameters["OrderNbr"] = this.selectQC.Current.QCOrderNbr;

            TSQCQualityOrderType Otype = PXSelect<TSQCQualityOrderType, 
                Where<TSQCQualityOrderType.qualityOrderType, Equal<Required<TSQCQualityOrderType.qualityOrderType>>>>.Select(this, parameters["OrderType"]);
            if (Otype != null)
                throw new PXReportRequiredException(parameters, Otype.CertificateOfAnalysis.Replace(".rpx", ""), PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.New, string.Empty);
                throw new PXReportRequiredException(parameters, "TS000002", PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.New, string.Empty);



Can you provide Solution for this?


Thank You

Best answer by Naveen Boga

Hi @rajanip50 

  1. As you have created database table for the DAC, then it will be a BOUND DAC.
  2. As suspected, selectQC.Current, here it self you are getting the first record, which is an issue.
  3. Since this is a Pop-up can you change the Skin ID = “DetailsInTab” to “SkinID =”Inquire” ” if you are not inserting the details from Pop-up
  4. Can you please also remove this code ==> this.selectQC.View.RequestRefresh(); before checking the selectQC.current !=null


Can you please verify now and confirm?

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10 replies

Vinay Koppula
Semi-Pro II

@rajanip50 Have you used DependOnGrid="PXGrid10_qc" in the call back commands?

Naveen Boga
Captain II
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  • March 24, 2023


Is this grid, unbound DAC?

It seems this grid not holding the current value, hence it is redirecting to the first record.


Have you debugged and verify the current values?

Freshman I
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  • March 24, 2023

@Naveen Boga 

Yes its unbound DAC.

I have debug the code and checked.

Records are inserting in the view but while clicking hyperlink its showing first record only.

In below highlighted line itself its taking first row by default.

 public PXAction<TSRelatedQCOrderUpdate> QCNbr;
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "QC Order Nbr.", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
        [PXButton(SpecialType = PXSpecialButtonType.Report)]
        protected virtual void qcnbr()
            if (selectQC.Current != null)
                TSRelatedQCOrderUpdate Ord = selectQC.Current;
                if (Ord.QCOrderType != null && Ord.QCOrderNbr != null)
                    QualityOrderMaint QualityOrderGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<QualityOrderMaint>();
                    QualityOrderGraph.TSqcneworderView.Current = PXSelect<TSNewQCOrder, Where<TSNewQCOrder.qCOrderType, Equal<Required<TSNewQCOrder.qCOrderType>>,
                        And<TSNewQCOrder.qCOrderNbr, Equal<Required<TSNewQCOrder.qCOrderNbr>>>>>.Select(QualityOrderGraph, Ord.QCOrderType, Ord.QCOrderNbr);

                    if (QualityOrderGraph.TSqcneworderView.Current != null && QualityOrderGraph.TSqcneworderView.Current.QCOrderType != null && QualityOrderGraph.TSqcneworderView.Current.QCOrderNbr != null)
                        PXRedirectRequiredException requiredException = new PXRedirectRequiredException(QualityOrderGraph, "TS301025");
                            requiredException.Mode = PXRedirectRequiredException.WindowMode.NewWindow;
                            throw requiredException;


Freshman I
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  • March 24, 2023

@Vinay Koppula 

No i didnt use DependOnGrid="PXGrid10_qc" in the call back commands.

Naveen Boga
Captain II
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  • March 24, 2023

@rajanip50  Since this is Unbound DAC, just wanted to know are you maintaining the Key fields?

The above redirection issue is related to KEY fields, can you please share the Unbound DAC and also share the code to insert the values in the GRID. which can help us to identify the root cause for this issue.



Freshman I
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  • March 24, 2023

Vinay Koppula
Semi-Pro II
rajanip50 wrote:

@Vinay Koppula

No i didnt use DependOnGrid="PXGrid10_qc" in the call back commands.

Use the following code to declare the callbackcommand.  

<px:PXDSCallbackCommand Name="QCNbr" Visible="false" CommitChanges="true" DependOnGrid="PXGrid10_qc"  />

Freshman I
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  • March 27, 2023

@Vinay Koppula Still its not working.

Naveen Boga
Captain II
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  • Answer
  • March 27, 2023

Hi @rajanip50 

  1. As you have created database table for the DAC, then it will be a BOUND DAC.
  2. As suspected, selectQC.Current, here it self you are getting the first record, which is an issue.
  3. Since this is a Pop-up can you change the Skin ID = “DetailsInTab” to “SkinID =”Inquire” ” if you are not inserting the details from Pop-up
  4. Can you please also remove this code ==> this.selectQC.View.RequestRefresh(); before checking the selectQC.current !=null


Can you please verify now and confirm?

Freshman I
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  • Freshman I
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  • April 1, 2023

Hi @Naveen Boga 

Its Working.

In Aspx added “SkinID =”Inquire”

In DAC , We have added Selector.

We did Some changes in Below method(QCNbr)

   #region RE Hyperlink Quality Order Number
        public PXAction<TSRelatedQCOrderUpdate> QCNbr;
        protected virtual void qCNbr()
            TSRelatedQCOrderUpdate row = selectQC.Current;
            if (row.QCOrderNbr != null)
                TSNewQCOrder formula = PXSelect<TSNewQCOrder,
                    Where<TSNewQCOrder.qCOrderNbr, Equal<Required<TSNewQCOrder.qCOrderNbr>>>>
                    .Select(this, row.QCOrderNbr);
                if (formula != null)
                    QualityOrderMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<QualityOrderMaint>();
                    graph.TSqcneworderView.Current = formula;
                    if (graph.TSqcneworderView.Current != null)
                        throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, true, "Quality Order");


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