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Notification Template : Display only two decimal places

  • 1 December 2020
  • 7 replies


Could you please help me, how to display only 2 decimals for below highlighted feilds in default notification templates.


Can anyone help me with this query, please..

It is not possible to do in Notification Templates itself as they do not support formulas with which you could modify that. We had a product suggestion for this:

As a workaround, you can build custom generic inquiry and expose values you need to use in the notification template in Results Grid, and re-use this GI in your template.

Also you will need to add a table with the field having decimal precision you need. For example, I have 4 presicion for invoices Amount.

I’m finding some field in my system which has preciosion 2, for example, Ordred Qty on sales order:

To Invoices and Memos GI, I’m adding PX.Objects.SO.SOOrder table, without any relations.

On the Results Grid tab, for the Amount row, which should have decimal precision 2, I’m setting Schema to the SOOrder.OrderQty field (which has decimal precision 2):

And receiving the result as follows:


Hi @Irina 
Thanks a lot for the reply and for providing the workaround solution.

This will be a big change for us, will see the feasibility and take it forward.


This was reported as an enhancement to our platform here

By the way, it is really very easy to create a template the way it was suggested in my previous comment. Do not be afraid of customization flexibility of Acumatica ERP :wink:

@Irina  hahah Sure :grinning: . Voted for the above idea. 

I had same issue,  I had to create a very long Switch formula converting the value to a String, then formatting based upon Length and sub string.  It took me 2 hours to write and test.


Very poor design.  I voted twice for the suggestion.


@Naveen B @Irina 
Hello, Thank you for sharing with us.
I’d like to add my findings.

1, I set the schema filed to “salesorder.orderqty” in the GI for my field. However it does NOT make any difference, it still display more than 2 decimals.

2,  The “Round” function can help me achieve my need.


3,After you have set functions on the “field”, you have to manually update your Notification template.
The same field with or without functions are different to email template.

