Hello @SadokHanini
To load the drop-down values dynamically, then we need to use fieldselecting event to load the values dynamically. Please find the example below.
protected virtual void SOOrder_UsrKNOrderReturnCodes_FieldSelecting(PXCache cache, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
SOOrder row = e.Row as SOOrder;
if (row != null)
List<string> allowedValues = new List<string>();
foreach (KNAMICodes objAMICodes in PXSelect<KNAMICodes, Where<KNAMICodes.codeType, Equal<AMIConstants.ReturnCodes>,
And<KNAMICodes.isActive, Equal<True>>>>.Select(Base))
e.ReturnState = PXStringState.CreateInstance(e.ReturnState, 10, true, typeof(KNAMICodes.codecd).Name, false, -1, string.Empty, allowedValues.ToArray(), allowedValues.ToArray(), false, null);
((PXStringState)e.ReturnState).MultiSelect = false;
I hope this will help you!!
@Naveen B This site is not responding
@Naveen Boga
Since you are using allowedValues.ToArray() twice, does that mean that you are setting the value of the selected item in the DDL to the display value for each item?