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Where is the the best place to put own code to manipulate the attached invoice PDF of an E-Mail before it gets send?

What about PX.Objects.CR.Extensions.ActivityDetailsExt.CreateNotificationProvider()?
How can i PXOverride it?


Or is there way to customize PX.Objects.EP.NotificationGenerator?
Which is the graph which is used to perist CRSMEmail in NotificationGenerator.PersistMessages()

Hi @priekenberg40 


Not sure if it possible to override generic CreateNotificationProvider, but at least we can override SendNotification which calls CreateNotificationProvider.

public class ARInvoiceEntry_NotificationExt : PXGraphExtension<ARInvoiceEntry_ActivityDetailsExt, ARInvoiceEntry>
public virtual void SendNotification(string sourceType, string notifications, int? branchID, IDictionary<string, string> parameters, bool massProcess = false, IList<Guid?> attachments = null,
Action<string, string, int?, IDictionary<string, string>, bool, IList<Guid?>> baseMethod = null)
baseMethod(sourceType, notifications, branchID, parameters, massProcess, attachments);

Invoice PDF is created based on a report. So if you need to change some details inside PDF you would better change the report.

Thanks @taras, there is realy no good place to hook in custom code for manipulation the created invoice pdf (E-Invoice/ZUGFeRD).
I’ll do it this way for the time beeing:

    public class ARInvoiceEntry_NotificationExt : PXGraphExtension<ARInvoiceEntry_ActivityDetailsExt, ARInvoiceEntry>
public virtual void SendNotification(string sourceType, string notifications, int? branchID, IDictionary<string, string> parameters, bool massProcess = false, IList<Guid?> attachments = null,
Action<string, string, int?, IDictionary<string, string>, bool, IList<Guid?>> baseMethod = null)
var activityExt = Base.GetExtension<ARInvoiceEntry_ActivityDetailsExt>();
var sender = activityExt.CreateNotificationProvider<ARInvoice>(sourceType, notifications, branchID, parameters, attachments);

var inv = Base.Cacheshtypeof(ARInvoice)]?.Current;
if (inv != null)
List<FileInfo> _attachments = (List<FileInfo>) sender.GetType().BaseType
.GetField("_newAttachments", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
foreach (FileInfo attm in _attachments)
// manipulate pdf here
if (!sender.Send().Any())
throw new PXException(PX.Objects.CR.Messages.EmailNotificationError);

The problem is, that i have to bypass the overridden method completely and copy the code it contains to my method. Would be great if the non generic CreateNotificationProvider would have been called in SendNotification<TTemplateEntityType>. Then we could override it, but today it is not used at all.

@priekenberg40 I can see this line inside CreateNotificationProvider() 

var mainDocRecipient = GetPrimaryRecipientFromContext(NotificationUtility, sourceType, bAccount, source);

I hope override this method will help to omit copying

@taras, yes, but i do not get access to the generated report/attachment there.

Hi @priekenberg40 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Yes, i did. Not quite perfect, as i had to copy the code from the base method:

