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how to find purchase details for sales order line (LineNbr=1)

  • 5 June 2024
  • 3 replies


I’m trying to update SalesOrder PurchasingDetails through this url: PUT method$Expand=Details

using this script:


    "id": "91bdadf9-ef21-ef11-835e-06ae6affe5a5", 

    "Details": e


            "id": "c5ce115a-f021-ef11-835e-06ae6affe5a5",














i getting this error message: 

"innerException": {

            "message": "An error has occurred.",

            "exceptionMessage": "Purchase Order Line (Order Type = SO, OrderNbr = Code-000396360, LineNbr = 1) cannot be found in Purchasing Details for Sales Order line (LineNbr = 1).",

            "exceptionType": "System.Exception",

            "stackTrace": "   at PX.Objects.EndpointAdapters.DefaultEndpointImpl22.LinkSOandPO(SOOrderEntry soOrderEntry, SOLine transaction, EntityImpl targetEntity, EntityImpl.] purchasingDetailsEntities)\r\n   at PX.Objects.EndpointAdapters.DefaultEndpointImpl22.SalesOrderDetail_Update(PXGraph graph, EntityImpl entity, EntityImpl targetEntity)"

i retrieved this data using this url get request:$Expand=Details


i already created Purchase order for that order using this script:

url POST

{"entity": {

        "VendorID": {

            "value": "V10156"


        "Location": {

            "value": "04"


        "Type": {

            "value": "Normal"


        "OrderNbr": {

            "value": "<NEW>"


        "VendorRef": {

            "value": "PO060324-2"


        "Description": {

            "value": "Test"


        "Owner": {

            "value": "art"


    "Details": Â


                "InventoryID": {"value":"BC3001NVY-XL"},

                "OrderQty": {"value": 1.00},

                "UnitCost": {"value": 59.99},

                "POLineNbr": {"value": 3},

                "POOrderNbr": {"value": "Code-000396360"},

                "ReceiptQty": {"value": 1}





Thank you for your help


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @art,

To update the existing detail lines, it would be a two-step process. 

  • Do a GET Request
  • Do a PUT Request with the header key fields and use the ID from the detail lines to update that specific detail line

For more details kindly refer the example here,

Feel free to post back if you have any questions.! Good Luck,

@Vignesh Ponnusamy Thank you for your response

i’m trying to create po, then updated the created sales order right now i need  one post request to create the po, one get request to get the newest purchase order number, then one get request to sales order to get the IDs, am i correct?

salesOrderUpdae= {   

    "id": "06e637b3-3b23-ef11-835e-06ae6affe5a5",


    "Details": [


            "id": "249a3fb9-3b23-ef11-835e-06ae6affe5a5",















Userlevel 7

Hi @art were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
