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How do I update a custom field in a different DAC to the one specified in FieldUpdated event?



In the Projects screen, a client is wanting to have the description field from the Tasks tab to be copied across to the ‘Task Description’ custom field in the Revenue and Cost Budget tabs.


I have code set up from a previous request that copied over the Task ID column to these tabs, so I am just needing to add some additional logic to this code, but I am not sure how to achieve this.


The comments in the code starting with ‘ATTEMPT:’ show where I was adding in the logic to try and achieve this.


It publishes without any issues, but then when I try it out in the Projects screen, I get the error shown in the image below about an incorrect extension being requested.


What would you recommend for my next attempt?


Kind regards,



protected void PMTask_UsrLineCtr_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)

      var row = (PMTask)e.Row;

      PMTaskExt rowExt = row.GetExtension<PMTaskExt>();

      // ATTEMPT: Grabbing the DAC extension for the PMRevenueBudget and PMCostBudget DACs
      PMBudgetExt budgetExt = cache.GetExtension<PMBudgetExt>(row);

      PMTask task = new PMTask();
      task.ProjectID = row.ProjectID;
      task.TaskID = row.TaskID;
      task.Description = row.Description;

      var selectCostBudget = new PXSelect<PMCostBudget,
        Where<PMCostBudget.projectID, Equal<Required<PMCostBudget.projectID>>,
        And<PMCostBudget.projectTaskID, Equal<Required<PMCostBudget.projectTaskID>>,
        And<PMCostBudget.type, Equal<GL.AccountType.expense>>>>>(this.Base);

      var selectRevenueBudget = new PXSelect<PMRevenueBudget,
        Where<PMRevenueBudget.projectID, Equal<Required<PMRevenueBudget.projectID>>,
        And<PMRevenueBudget.projectTaskID, Equal<Required<PMRevenueBudget.projectTaskID>>,
        And<PMRevenueBudget.type, Equal<GL.AccountType.income>>>>>(this.Base);

      bool costBudgetExists = false;
      // If task already exists in the Cost Budget column, just update the LineCntr column
      foreach (PMCostBudget budget in selectCostBudget.Select(task.ProjectID, task.TaskID))
          budget.LineCntr = rowExt.UsrLineCtr;
          costBudgetExists = true;

      bool revBudgetExists = false;
      // If task already exists in the Cost Budget column, just update the LineCntr column
      foreach (PMRevenueBudget budget in selectRevenueBudget.Select(task.ProjectID, task.TaskID))
          budget.LineCntr = rowExt.UsrLineCtr;
          revBudgetExists = true;

      if (!costBudgetExists) {
        // Add task to Cost Budget Tab if it doesn't exist
        PMCostBudget costBudget = new PMCostBudget();
        costBudget.LineCntr = rowExt.UsrLineCtr;
        costBudget.ProjectTaskID = task.TaskID;

      if (!revBudgetExists) {
        // Add task to Revenue Budget Tab if it doesn't exist
        PMRevenueBudget revBudget = new PMRevenueBudget();
        revBudget.LineCntr = rowExt.UsrLineCtr;
        revBudget.ProjectTaskID = task.TaskID;

        // ATTEMPT: This is how I was aiming to update the custom field with the Task description
        budgetExt.UsrDescriptionExt = task.Description;





Best answer by Zoltan Febert

Hi @AndrewA,

The error message means you try to get a PMBudgetExt type of extension using a PMTask row. It fails, because the base DAC of PMBudgetExt is PMBudget (I guess), not PMTask.

I added one more line to your code, you need to remove PMTaskExt rowExt = row.GetExtension<PMTaskExt>(); from your code.

      if (!revBudgetExists) {
        // Add task to Revenue Budget Tab if it doesn't exist
        PMRevenueBudget revBudget = new PMRevenueBudget();
        revBudget.LineCntr = rowExt.UsrLineCtr;
        revBudget.ProjectTaskID = task.TaskID;

        // Get DAC Extension
        var budgetExt = revBudget.GetExtension<PMBudgetExt>();

        // ATTEMPT: This is how I was aiming to update the custom field with the Task description
        budgetExt.UsrDescriptionExt = task.Description;



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Zoltan Febert
Jr Varsity I
  • Jr Varsity I
  • 175 replies
  • Answer
  • October 12, 2023

Hi @AndrewA,

The error message means you try to get a PMBudgetExt type of extension using a PMTask row. It fails, because the base DAC of PMBudgetExt is PMBudget (I guess), not PMTask.

I added one more line to your code, you need to remove PMTaskExt rowExt = row.GetExtension<PMTaskExt>(); from your code.

      if (!revBudgetExists) {
        // Add task to Revenue Budget Tab if it doesn't exist
        PMRevenueBudget revBudget = new PMRevenueBudget();
        revBudget.LineCntr = rowExt.UsrLineCtr;
        revBudget.ProjectTaskID = task.TaskID;

        // Get DAC Extension
        var budgetExt = revBudget.GetExtension<PMBudgetExt>();

        // ATTEMPT: This is how I was aiming to update the custom field with the Task description
        budgetExt.UsrDescriptionExt = task.Description;



  • Author
  • Varsity I
  • 80 replies
  • October 12, 2023

Thanks so much for that Zoltan!


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