According to my knowledge it is not possible to see, if side panel is open, unless to use methods, which will not pass certification.
I’d suggest following steps:
- Add some boolen field at the DAC class, and name it for exampe IsSidePanelOpen.
- Via js hide it
- via js track, if sidepanel is open
- if panel is open, again, via js modify value of that field
In graph read information from that field.
something like this:
using PX.Data;
public class MyDAC : IBqlTable
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Is Side Panel Open", Visible = false)]
public virtual bool? IsSidePanelOpen { get; set; }
public abstract class isSidePanelOpen : IBqlField { }
and js I’d foresee like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
if (PX.Web.UI.PXPage.IsCallback) {