I have a DAC MyCustomer that has Customer reference BAccountID. In a graph for another DAC MyPartnership I want to use a Selector to pick a MyCustomer and also shows the AcctCD by using an unbound column.
The selector itself works fine, but I get errors for persisting MyPartnership or loading existing ones.
The error in Trace is this.
Invalid column name ''MyCustomerExt]..acctCD]' |
Please note, that MyCustomer is not an Extension and I have no idea why it is looking for MyCustomerExt.
Here is my code:
public class MyCustomer : IBqlTable
#region BAccountID
ICustomer(IsKey = true)]
public virtual int? BAccountID { get; set; }
public abstract class bAccountID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<bAccountID> { }
#region AcctCD
nPXDBScalar(typeof(Search<BAccount.acctCD, Where<BAccount.bAccountID, Equal<MyCustomer.bAccountID>>>))]
public virtual string AcctCD { get; set; }
public abstract class acctCD : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<acctCD> { }
public class MyPartnership: IBqlTable
#region BAccountID
uPXDBInt(IsKey = true)]
SubstituteKey = typeof(MyCustomer.acctCD))]
rPXUIField(DisplayName = "Customer Account")]
public virtual int? BAccountID { get; set; }
public abstract class bAccountID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<bAccountID> { }
How can solve this?