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Error 403 Forbidden: The request was a legal request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. Unlike a 401 Unauthorized response, authenticating will make no difference.

  • 16 September 2022
  • 5 replies

Captain II

Hello All,

I am trying to retrieve data using OData V4 but I get the error in the subject line. Everything is on my local machine and works with OData V3.


Any help is appreciated why does V3 work but not V4?

Best answer by Dmitrii Naumov

There is a separate Role that your user should have to use Odata v.4


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5 replies

Dmitrii Naumov
Acumatica Moderator
  • Acumatica Moderator
  • 585 replies
  • Answer
  • September 15, 2022

There is a separate Role that your user should have to use Odata v.4


Captain II
  • Author
  • Captain II
  • 1171 replies
  • September 15, 2022

@Dmitrii Naumov thank you. I assume this is a predefined role. If this is the case why this role is missing from system? Is there an script or something that I can add it?

Captain II
  • Author
  • Captain II
  • 1171 replies
  • September 16, 2022

@Dmitrii Naumov Thank you for putting me in the right direction. The Role existed in company “1” but not sure why it was missing from my other tenants. I replicated the same role from the company zero to other tenants and granted the required permissions and assigned to the users I needed and everything works fine now. Appreciated it very much.


I guess it will be a good idea if Acumatica adds this prerequisite configuration to the I300 course material to prevent headaches and issues like this.

Varsity I
  • Varsity I
  • 82 replies
  • March 13, 2023

I am having the same problem (only one tenant though) and i have that role activated for the appropriate users and it is still not working? i just got off hte hpone with out IT company and they checked my elcel to make sure it was working properly. Any other ideas what is could be?

  • Acumatica Employee
  • 28 replies
  • December 21, 2023

When it comes to this error , client could also try Administrator role and grant access or choose delete for all roles associated with the Admin role. 


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