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I'm working on a query result that i-m adding conditions and joins in the view delegate and it's working, but I would like to append group by statements on the query, Is there a way to achieve this in the view delegate?

Try this:

// Get BQL command from your view
var bqlCommand = [yourview].View.BqlSelect;

// Add Group by
var newCommand = bqlCommand.AggregateNew<

// Create your new select / view
var select = new PXView(Base, true, newCommand);

// Get your result as usual
var result = select.Select(PXView.Currents, PXView.Parameters,
PXView.Searches, PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings,
PXView.Filters, ref startRow, 0, ref totalRows)

You can find a more complex example of AggregateNew in APDocumentEnq graph.

Hi @anahizentella94 

You can certainly use group by statements within a view delegate. Here's how you can do it:

  1. BQL Fluent API (FBQL): The newer FBQL allows you to construct a query in a more procedural and flexible manner, which is very useful when building dynamic queries in view delegates.

  2. PXSelectGroupBy and PXGroupBy: If you're using the traditional BQL, you can leverage these attributes and classes for grouping your results.

Here's a quick demonstration using traditional BQL:

public PXSelectGroupBy<ARInvoice, 
Where<ARInvoice.released, Equal<True>>,
Sum<ARInvoice.curyOrigDocAmt>>> ARInvoicesGrouped;

If you're building the query dynamically within the delegate, you'd use something like:

public PXSelect<ARInvoice> ARInvoices;

protected virtual IEnumerable aRInvoices()
var currentDocument = SomeFilter.Current; //Assuming you're using a filter DAC

PXSelectBase<ARInvoice> query = new PXSelectJoinGroupBy<ARInvoice,
LeftJoin<Customer, On<ARInvoice.customerID, Equal<Customer.bAccountID>>>,
Where<ARInvoice.released, Equal<True>>,

// You can add conditions based on your filter/view delegate logic
if(currentDocument.SomeField == someCondition)
query.WhereAnd<Where<ARInvoice.docType, Equal<Current<FilterDAC.docType>>>>();

foreach(PXResult<ARInvoice, Customer> record in query.Select())
ARInvoice invoice = record;
// Do any additional processing if necessary

yield return invoice;
  • After the GroupBy statement in your BQL, any aggregate function like Sum, Avg, Min, Max, etc. will perform the operation on each group separately.

  • Ensure that any fields you want to use in a GroupBy are not marked with the PXDBCalced attribute in your DAC, as calculated fields may cause issues when used in grouping.



Firstly, ensure that you have the necessary namespaces included:

using PX.Data.BQL;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;


public SelectFrom<ARInvoice>
.Aggregate<Sum<ARInvoice.curyOrigDocAmt>>.View ARInvoicesGrouped;

For the view delegate with conditions:

protected virtual IEnumerable aRInvoicesGrouped()
var currentDocument = SomeFilter.Current; // Assuming you have a filter DAC named SomeFilter

var query = SelectFrom<ARInvoice>

if (currentDocument.SomeField == someCondition)


foreach (ARInvoice invoice in query.View.SelectMultiBound(new objecte] { currentDocument }))
// Do any additional processing if necessary

yield return invoice;

The FBQL allows you to build and modify your query step by step. You can use .WhereAnd<> or .WhereOr<> methods to add more conditions to the query dynamically based on the runtime data or business logic.


This should help you achieve grouping within a view delegate in Acumatica.

Thanks @davidnavasardyan09 @zfebert56 ,

It worked, after adding a few Where<> conditions I was able to add the Group by before executing the query. 

     var bqlCommand = SelectCommand.View.BqlSelect;
var newCommand = bqlCommand.AggregateNew

PXView resultList = new PXView(Base, true, newCommand);

List<object> result = resultList.Select(PXView.Currents, PXView.Parameters,
PXView.Searches, PXView.SortColumns, PXView.Descendings,
filterRows.ToArray(), ref startrow, int.MaxValue, ref totalrow);

