Could anybody help me with customization. I have an application, witch connect to acumatica with acumatica libraries: Auth, Default_18.200.001, RESTClient from here: I am using it like submodules - if somesings will change on git - I always can update it
I needed to add custom fields to the Project form. I did it - added fields, posted changes.
After that, I created a new endpoint inheriting it from default endpoint - and the new fields became available to me when working with the Project entity. I achieved this by creating classes that inherit from api and the base model with overriding the GetEntityName() method.
If I need to change the fields, I will have to create new inheritance classes.
Perhaps there is some standard way to support customization fields? And I just didn't find it.
My Api extension:
public class ProjectExtApi : EntityAPI<ProjectExt>
public ProjectExtApi(Configuration configuration) : base(configuration)
{ }
protected override string GetEntityName()
return "Project"; //base code: return typeof(EntityType).Name;
and model:
public class ProjectExt : Project
DataMember(Name = "TestDate", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public DateTimeValue TestDate { get; set; }