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I want to change the sort order when printing checks from RefNbr to Vendor AcctCD.  

In my override, I am adding one additional line to the select statement.  If I use the original code, it works normally.  If I use my code which only adds this line to the statement: OrderBy<Asc<Vendor.acctCD», the process screen “resets” after you select the payment method “Check”.  

	public class APPrintChecks_Extension : PXGraphExtension<PX.Objects.AP.APPrintChecks>
public virtual IEnumerable GetAPPaymentList()
//var cmd = new PXSelectJoin<APPayment,
// InnerJoinSingleTable<Vendor, On<Vendor.bAccountID, Equal<APPayment.vendorID>>,
// InnerJoin<PaymentMethod, On<PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID, Equal<APPayment.paymentMethodID>>,
// LeftJoin<CABatchDetail, On<CABatchDetail.origModule, Equal<BatchModule.moduleAP>,
// And<CABatchDetail.origDocType, Equal<APPayment.docType>,
// And<CABatchDetail.origRefNbr, Equal<APPayment.refNbr>>>>>>>,
// Where2<Where<APPayment.status, Equal<APDocStatus.pendingPrint>,
// And<CABatchDetail.batchNbr, IsNull,
// And<APPayment.cashAccountID, Equal<Current<PrintChecksFilter.payAccountID>>,
// And<APPayment.paymentMethodID, Equal<Current<PrintChecksFilter.payTypeID>>,
// And<Match<Vendor, Current<AccessInfo.userName>>>>>>>,
// And<APPayment.docType, In3<APDocType.check, APDocType.prepayment, APDocType.quickCheck>>>>(Base);

var cmd = new PXSelectJoin<APPayment,
InnerJoinSingleTable<Vendor, On<Vendor.bAccountID, Equal<APPayment.vendorID>>,
InnerJoin<PaymentMethod, On<PaymentMethod.paymentMethodID, Equal<APPayment.paymentMethodID>>,
LeftJoin<CABatchDetail, On<CABatchDetail.origModule, Equal<BatchModule.moduleAP>,
And<CABatchDetail.origDocType, Equal<APPayment.docType>,
And<CABatchDetail.origRefNbr, Equal<APPayment.refNbr>>>>>>>,
Where2<Where<APPayment.status, Equal<APDocStatus.pendingPrint>,
And<CABatchDetail.batchNbr, IsNull,
And<APPayment.cashAccountID, Equal<Current<PrintChecksFilter.payAccountID>>,
And<APPayment.paymentMethodID, Equal<Current<PrintChecksFilter.payTypeID>>,
And<Match<Vendor, Current<AccessInfo.userName>>>>>>>,
And<APPayment.docType, In3<APDocType.check, APDocType.prepayment, APDocType.quickCheck>>>,
foreach (PXResult<APPayment, Vendor, PaymentMethod, CABatchDetail> doc in cmd.SelectWithViewContext())
yield return new PXResult<APPayment, Vendor>(PXCache<APPayment>.CreateCopy(doc), doc);

Why would adding an OrderBy statement cause this select statement to fail?

I have another suggestion:

public override void Initialize()
Base.APPaymentList.OrderByNew<OrderBy<Asc<Vendor.acctCD, Asc<APPayment.refNbr>>>>();


Thanks @darylbowman .   I’ll give that a try! 


@darylbowman The code compiles and does not cause any runtime errors.  However, it does the same thing as my code did.  When you select Checks from the Payment Method drop down list, the field gets cleared and the screen appears as it does when you first open it.

I’ve told the customer that this is probably just not doable.  Please don’t spend any extra time on this on my behalf.  I appreciate your suggestion anyway.  I’m kind of glad the result was the same as my code as it indicates there is something going on inside that graph that just doesn’t like me trying to add a sort by. 

This works fine in 24 R1. It may be something instance specific?

I’ve seen a bunch of other comments in this forum.  A lot of companies are having this issue starting a couple years ago.  Maybe this will be encouragement for them to upgrade to 2024.  I suppose they will just need to suffer through it until they get on the current version.


Funny thing is that in my local 2023R1, if I sort the grid on the vendor id, it prints the checks in that order for ME.  But it does not work for the customer (according to them anyway).  They even provided print screens to support that.  It might even be something down to the build number as opposed to the overall release version.

Hi @Joe Schmucker were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @Chris Hackett  I was not able to find a solution.  If I recall, this might be resolved in 24R1.  Strangely, when I changed the sort order in the list of checks to print, they sorted when printed, but it did not work on the customer’s instance.  

