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access rights based on condition or status?

  • 2 November 2020
  • 2 replies

Has anybody attempted to set access rights based on conditions or is this even possible?

For example - suppose I want a technician to have complete editing access to appointments, but once the status is changed to Completed, they now have View Only rights.

Or, if the technician was assigned to the appointment, access rights = Delete, but if the technician was not assigned to the appointment, access rights = View Only. 

2 replies

Userlevel 3

Hi Sean

Access rights in Acumatica do not have conditions, however you can try to set the required configuration by allowing/forbidding certain actions on the workflow stages. In addition to this  you can use Automation steps or  Automation engine  to configure certain actions visibility on a certain statuses of the document.

This do not solve the problem of the visibility of the appointment to the staff which is not assigned to this appointment, I recommend you to  review  Row Level Security options,  some of them might have  partially address the requirement you have.

You suggestion might be a good improvement for  Acumatica, do not hesitate to submit it as an idea so that other members of the community can vote for it.


Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Thanks Olesia! Looks like Automation Steps and workflow editing might help with what I want to achieve. I will probably submit as a feedback idea as well!
