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Dear ALL,

For example, I have the following situation:

Step 1: I created a  Attributes as below:

  • AttributeID: FACODE
  • Description: Fixed Asset Code
  • Control Type: Selector
  • Schema Object: PX.Objects.FA.FixedAsset
  • Schema Field: AssetCD

Step 2: I created Case Class with name INTERNAL using “FACODE” AttributeID 


Step 3: I created Case using “INTERNAL” Class ID. In the ATTRIBUTES TAB > Adding Attribute “Fixed Asset Code” > In the Value => I didn't see the selector ?


Please help me How to use Attributes with "Selector" Control Type ?


Note: Acumatica Verion: 2020 R1









Hi @nhatnghetinh ,

I found a similar forum to answer your question. I believe selector attributes were specifically implemented for UDF functionality and were never added to attributes.

How to connect new Selector Attribute to Project Attributes screen? | Community (

Hope, it helps!



Hi @nhatnghetinh 

As mentioned by @sweta68, selector attribute works with UDF. Here is a related feature request thread from Ideas page. 

Hope this clarifies.

