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Add GI for Sales Order Lines (and a second GI for Invoice Lines) in Customer Portal with Parent AND Child Account info

Hello Community,

We would like to add a GI to the Customer Portal that would allow a contact associated with a business account to see the sales order detail lines for the parent and child accounts for only that parent business account.  I’m afraid that my SQL is a bit rusty, and I can’t recall how to filter the results in the GI such that the contact will only be viewing the data for their respective parent and child accounts.

If someone could point me in the right direction of how to do this in the setup of the GI and adding this to the Customer Portal that would be amazing.

Many thanks


I am trying to determine the same thing.  The below Question on Community is similar, but they informed they had to build a Customization to push through the parameter of login. But maybe someone at Acumatica or another member can advise otherwise. 



Hi @patrickACA 

The customer portal is pretty limited and it would need a customization. 

I believe we have a fix for it.   As long as the child accounts are linked to the parent billing accoung, you can set up a contact for the portal on the parent account (and set them as a portal user), and in the GI you set a condition so that the user is associated with the parent you are using on the GI.  This works, because the portal user is tied to the parent, and thus filtering using a condition of @me in the GI llimits what they can see based on their email in their login.  



Great.  The @me was the key thing that needed to occur so that the Generic Inquiry results limit to the user logged in and if that user / contact is part of Customer whether it be Parent or Child.  I appreciate the update on a late Friday afternoon!  Thanks All!
