we are trying to do our physical inventory count for year end. we have about 9 count that when we try to complete we get the error “Unable to create adjustment for line ‘121’ Insufficient Qty. on hand for item ‘1234’’ in warehouse’ this warehouse hosts all our truck, so each truck is a location and all have the same part numbers. i understand that as a whole based on the book qty the adjustment will cause the that item to go in the negative. The solution would be to update one of the other trucks with this sku that would make this sku go positive first. The problem is that we don’t know what truck that would be, and if we did, we get the same error with a different sku. it there for becomes one big circle with the same error.
My only thought now is to make an one big adjustment dated before year end to every truck by adding 1 item of every sku to each truck, then update the physical inventory count to hopefully bring the inventory back in line.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, as I don't to have to do another inventory count because this causes the inventory to be way out?