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Restriction groups seem to behave differently with project account groups than they do for GL accounts.

  • In the GL, you cannot see the balance of a restricted account or any associated transaction.
  • In the Project module, if you have a restriction on an account group, you can still see the balance of that account group from the Balances tab, but you cannot check the transaction details.

I reviewed the documentation to see if this is by design, but couldn’t find any mention of that. One of our customers is relying on this behaviour but I warned them this may be an oversight and that the behaviour could change in the future.

I wanted to check here before opening a support ticket in the portal.

@Gabriel Michaud did you end up submitting a ticket in the portal? I am curious to know the outcome! Thanks!

@iqraharrison48 I just submitted a ticket -- case #301914

@Gabriel Michaud  Thanks for the question and entering a case. 

Can you explain what position  you are trying to restrict access to account groups? 

Are you just restricting some account groups but not all? 

Are these account groups on the budgets?

Are you just not wanting to see them on the Balances tab?


Thanks for detail on this business need.

I am having the same issue.

Most of my clients want to restrict visibility to the Labor cost details because they do not want users knowing others’ labor rates. They have accepted or some even still wanted the total Balance of the Account Group to still show on the Budget and Balances tab of the Project screen and any report but if this functionality changes, clients could get confused and/or upset.

The issue is that the client wants the users to be able to review the details of Revenue and other expense transactions but they don’t want them to view labor details.

Interested in the outcome of the case submitted and any other suggestions on how to accommodate user restriction of Account Group totals and details.

Hi @Gabriel Michaud , @cshaheen26 

You will want to review the Project Transaction Visibility by Account Group too, that is designed to show a “balance” or “summary”, but not allow drill-down/visibility of the detailed transaction.

@joelhoffman Yes, that has been done. The concern is that we don’t know if the “Summary” view was a fluke or was intended. If intended, I can work accordingly. 

The other item is that sometimes, in addition to restricting transaction visibility, the client wants to restrict Summary balances as well.

I submitted a video to support demonstrating the differences in behaviour between GL and Projects.  Recording: and the case was escalated.


The dev team just responded to my support case:


Checked with R&D team , as per them that is intended behavior and not going to be changed .

On Project Transaction Visibility by Account Group form Revenue account group is visible for Cash Account Access group, this configuration restricts only visibility of project transactions with this Account Group, that is designed to show Balances, but not allow drill-down/visibility of the detailed transaction.

Link to documentation -


I responded that my main goal was simply to confirm whether that is the intended behaviour or accidental. It is currently working exactly as our customer expects but given that the behaviour is completely different from I wanted to be 100% certain.

The link provided by support does mention the word “transactions”, it’s very subtle and I didn’t notice even notice it. I would suggest making it clearer/obvious. Maybe in the future there could be a setting for companies that do want to restrict access to balances as well, but I don’t have a need for this right now on my end.

