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Report/GI for Inventory Consumption by Project

  • 20 June 2024
  • 5 replies

Hello, I’m looking to pull together a report or GI that can show our PM team the inventory that has been consumed (issued) by each of their projects. The report/GI would need to group together each SKU that’s been issued. For our company, we are issuing material as a way of consuming it out of our inventory and into either production in the factory or directly sent to the job site.


For example, we have project A and B and inventory items 1,2 and 3. I need something that shows us for project A, how much of items 1, 2 and 3 have we Issued and the same thing for project B.


I have looked into the Project Cost History report, but this doesn’t show us the SKUs that have been issued.



5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @brettsolomon 

Please refer to the "Project Balance" report available on Acumatica
You can edit this report to make it best for you.




Best Regards,


This isn’t quite the report that I’m looking for… looking to put together a GI that can list our every issue that’s occurred on the line item level for each project. If you/anyone knows how to pull this together, that would be greatly appreciated!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

@brettsolomon could something like this give you what you need? I filtered it down to the one project i was testing with but essentially it shows the inventory ID with what the revised qty is on the cost budget and there’s a column for actual quantity? 


in this case, I had two issues but I think grouping by inventory ID would be helpful.  


Might need to look into asking our implementation team to pull together a custom report for us as these aren’t exactly the types of reports that we need. Appreciate the responses everyone!

Userlevel 7

Hi @brettsolomon were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
