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Remove dashes from ID in Acumatica Report - Report Designer




Our project IDs have - between numbers and I want to display them on a report designer report without the dashes.  Example, 25-36-010 would display as 2536010 in the report.  Is there a way to do this with a formula in a report? 


The current formula is :


='REQUEST FOR INFORMATION # '+[RequestForInformation.ProjectId]+'-'+[RequestForInformation.RFIID_Attributes]  


I need to keep the first and last expression, but make it so the Project ID only displays numbers and not dashes. 


Thank you! 

2 replies

Semi-Pro II
  • Semi-Pro II
  • 63 replies
  • March 13, 2025

You can use a replace formula for this.

=Replace( [RequestForInformation.ProjectId], '-', '' )

your final formula would look like this...

='REQUEST FOR INFORMATION # '+ Replace( [RequestForInformation.ProjectId], '-', '' ) +'-'+[RequestForInformation.RFIID_Attributes]  

  • Author
  • Freshman I
  • 15 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Thank you for your response! I am going to test that to use in the future.  However, I did find a solution.  We have the ID set up as 3 different segments. The separator is not being read in formulas.  I was able to use the formula below to return the numbering sequence without dashes: 


='REQUEST FOR INFORMATION # '+left([PMProject.ContractCD],7)


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