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Hello Community,

I have been working on Allocation Rules but I am not able to setup a specific description for the Allocation records generated in Project Trxns screen.



And my Allocation rules description that I have setup is:



What is ti that i am missing here?


The descriptions highlighted in Allocation Rules (your screenshots 2 and 3) become the Transaction Description in each Line of the Allocation Entry. Each Allocation Batch could contain many lines, each Line containing a meaningful description like “Labor, Charge/Expense”.

Your first screenshot is showing Batch Description. There is, only one Batch Desriptin per allocation and it defaults to “Allocation For” + Project ID.



The descriptions highlighted in Allocation Rules (your screenshots 2 and 3) become the Transaction Description in each Line of the Allocation Entry. Each Allocation Batch could contain many lines, each Line containing a meaningful description like “Labor, Charge/Expense”.

Your first screenshot is showing Batch Description. There is, only one Batch Desriptin per allocation and it defaults to “Allocation For” + Project ID.


hey @Laura02 ,
So from can I change the description in the Header/Summary area? Or is it only possible via customization?

@Harshita  The header description would need to be through a customization
