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Construction: Process to remove/return item issued to project

  • 18 August 2021
  • 5 replies

I have not been able to find a successful method for this yet.

Wrong stock item was issued to a project/cost budget. The correct item has since been issued, but trying to remove or reverse the wrong item out of the project. I can do a receipt or adjustment back into stock on the inventory side if needed, but I am unable to determine how to reverse the issue project transaction to correct the project.


Thank you,


5 replies

Userlevel 2

Following. Likewise, interested in others experience with this type of transaction and generally about the management of INVENTORY with respect to PROJECTS. 

You’re situation sounds like it will be a common situation for others. 

@gbrazelton14 - I found that you could go to the inventory Issues and click on the Batch Nbr. and the new *** (three dots menu) in 2021 R2 includes the option to “reverse” and “reclassify” which may be the answer for you. I’ve not done any testing on reversing inventory “issues” to a Project (yet).   

Userlevel 4

Thank you @johnshaddix38  - I will need to check that out in 21 R2 - I think what I finally did was a Reason Code (type Receipt, account was actually the COGS account used in the original issue) Looking forward if 21 R2 has the slicker Reverse option.



Userlevel 2

We now do a two step process to Return to Warehouse:

We do a RETURN Issue. We create a new Lot/Serial Nbr. (the old one as used at time of Issue and no longer exists) - this un-Issues the item. This keeps it on the original project. I then transfer from the project to X (our warehouse).


If you are also returning it to the vendor - I open the original PO Receipt. Select the item to return, return the item. Now it is no longer on the PO.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Apparently, it requires an adjustment or a return issue to put the inventory back to on hand but it leaves the project allocation. So, now you have to do a transfer to move it from project allocation to non-project stock.

Userlevel 3

We are accomplishing this with a Inventory Receipt, and reason code specific to a Project return.The inventory comes off the project and back into the warehouse in a designated location for either transfer to stock locations or in the case of a future work order due to it being unable to be installed at the time it would be sent back out on a new shipment. We have also utilized Goformz to simplify the process and create the Receipt.

