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I am building a GI and want to create a formula to add two fields as one.  I am trying to crete output of the vendor ID with the PO Number.  I would also like to add a space between the two records.


I am using the POOrder Object.  I have placed the following in the Data Field =Concat(cPOOrder.VendorID],IPOOrder.OrderNbr])

This returns the following error where 21-200379 is the PO.OrderNbr


Not sure where to go from here.  Any assistance would be appreciated.

Hi, @KempOdell68  Please use the below formula to combine fields.


= Cstr(tPOOrder.VendorID]) + ‘ - ’ + POOrder.OrderNbr])

@Naveen B Thank you for the response.  I am receiving the following validation error using this formula.

I have tried moving the parentheses as well, but still receive the same message.



Where is the best resource for the formulas used in GIs?



Hi @KempOdell68  Both formulas are working for me.


=Concat(  CStr (tPOOrder.VendorID]) ,' - ' , 'POOrder.OrderNbr] )

= CStr( tPOOrder.VendorID]) + '-' + 'POOrder.OrderNbr]



@Naveen B Thank you for the response.  I am receiving the following validation error using this formula.

I have tried moving the parentheses as well, but still receive the same message.



Where is the best resource for the formulas used in GIs?



There is a parenthesis issue on the above formula, hence you got that issue. 

You might be copy-pasted the formula, hence single quotes work differently. Can you please provide manually and verify

@Naveen B Thanks for the quick reply.  Both of these formulas work for me now.  But, I am getting a numeric value for the Vendor ID.  I am trying to get the alphanumeric Vendor ID that is displayed in Acumatica.




@Naveen B Thank you for the response.  I am receiving the following validation error using this formula.

I have tried moving the parentheses as well, but still receive the same message.



Where is the best resource for the formulas used in GIs?



There is a parenthesis issue on the above formula, hence you got that issue. 

You might be copy-pasted the formula, hence single quotes work differently. Can you please provide manually and verify


@Naveen B Typing in the formula did resolve the validation issue.  I still get the numeric value for the vendor id instead of the displayed vendor id. 



@KempOdell68  Please use the below formula to get the VendorCD instead of VendorID.


= =Vendor.AcctCD] + ' - ' + +POOrder.OrderNbr]



@KempOdell68  Please use the below formula to get the VendorCD instead of VendorID.


= =Vendor.AcctCD] + ' - ' + +POOrder.OrderNbr]



Thanks @Naveen B .  I did not think about using the field from the vendor file.




@KempOdell68  Understood. POOrder table will SAVE only the ID values, if we wanted to get the CD value, we need to fetch it from the respective main table. Here it is Vendor  ;) 

