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Symbols for email

  • 2 November 2021
  • 5 replies

By default Acumatica displays sent email as an envelope and received email as a paper airplane. Am I missing something or isn’t this the opposite of what one might expect? Or is there a way to change it?


Hi @jeremy4  The mailbox Icon ,as shown in the below screenshot represent the mail sent from Acumatica.


Hi @jeremy4 , Here is another example from the Cases Screen, showing the same Mailbox Icon for the Sent mail. Hope this clarifies.I


I understand that. Typically of you look at any email clients the envelope indicates RECEIVED and the airplane/arrow indicates SENT. Outlook and Apple mail for instance... 


Unless I am missing something Acumatica has it opposite of most email clients...sort of confusing when working with it. Could this change be easily made?


You’re right, it’s backwards. I always confuse the two when looking at the acumatica symbols. 


