Invoice Notification is sent out twice back to back to customer even activities on customer record says only one time
Hi All,
I wonder if anybody is having the same issue. two copies of email sent out:
we use the standard out of box notification templates InvoiceNotification (screen name: invoice, screen id: so303000) to send email to customers through “Print Invoices and Memos”(AR508000) manually. Customers receive two copies of the same email back to back. I check the activities on the customer record and all emails, Both places show only one copy sent out.
Anybody seen something like this? any ideas where to go to fix it? we are on 2022R1 build 22.118.0022
appreciate any help/ideas. Thanks.
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I am not sure if your user will have access to this but if you go under the License Monitoring Console screen SM604000, then go to the STATISTICS tab, in the upper grid click on the ERP Transactions limit. Scroll down to you see the “Send and Receive Email” screen, Action Type “Automation Schedule”. As for creating the business event, pretty simple to do. I will put together some screen shots and attachment to the article.
no i am not using Business Event at all - sounds complicated. keep it simple if you can. how do you figure that out: sending/receiving emails even nothing in/out causes going over limit? would be good to know. anyhow, we still have on and off the duplicate email issue, randomly. I logged an issue with Acumatica, sending lots of logs, db backups, etc. I think maybe there are certain conditions that may trigger another email sent out even the system said just one sent. the ticket is still open, i believe Acumatica development team has to do something. Last i heard is the fix to this issue is in 24R1. i wonder what you do may trigger same condition which causes dup sent out- just a guess or yours may be a totally different issue. my case# with Acumatica is 340982.
I recent had one of my clients report this same issue who has been on Acumatica for over a year now and recently upgraded to 23R2. I also recently changed how this client’s emails were being sent to a Business Event instead of using the “Send/Receive Emails” Automation Schedules. The reason I moved them was due to my client going over the ERP transactions limit for a month. The “Send/Receive Emails” was using over 50% of their quota even if no emails were sent or received. My Business Event is running when new records are INSERTED to a GI, I run an Import Scenario that does a “Process All” from the Pending Emails screen, so it runs whenever new emails are pending. (which I found from another community article) I am guessing this is maybe a timing issue that is causing the email to send twice if another email is sent around the same time.
Are you using a Business Event to send emails?
Thanks for your suggestion @azhang For our Prod environments we are using AWS SES with quite a high number of simultaneous Outgoing Emails, so #3 should be not an issue as well as #1 where our automated schedule is set up to send Emails every 5 mins. For suggestion #2 though we have 1 minute timeout so I’ll try to increase that to 4 as per your suggestion and see if it helps. Thanks again!
Hi @ksergeev02:
I think it is better now. Few things you want to check:
autoschedule “send and receive email - all”: it may be set at 1 minute interval, you may want to increase that to 3 or more.
on the email that sending the emails, for example, on the service tab->server port numbers, there is “Timeout” setting, i increase that to 4 minutes.
your network admin may need to check how many email can be sent at one time, hopefully it is higher enough # that don’t bounce it back.
i think it may be kind of racing condition, email did not have time to get sent or recorded already sent, then next time around it is sending it again. try it and see, may help.
Hello @azhang Was your issue resolved and did the suggestion around another Tenant helped you? For our customer we have the same issue with a duplicate Email sent out but in Prod Tenant there is only 1 Activity recorded. We do have snapshots created from that Tenant but they are more than 1 month outdated by now and there is no Invoice generated on the other Tenant. Wondering if anyone else was able to find the root cause of the issue.
Hi All,
I wonder if anybody is having the same issue. two copies of email sent out:
we use the standard out of box notification templates InvoiceNotification (screen name: invoice, screen id: so303000) to send email to customers through “Print Invoices and Memos”(AR508000) manually. Customers receive two copies of the same email back to back. I check the activities on the customer record and all emails, Both places show only one copy sent out.
Anybody seen something like this? any ideas where to go to fix it? we are on 2022R1 build 22.118.0022
appreciate any help/ideas. Thanks.
Hello, I see something like this happen sometimes.
If the duplicate copy of the email cannot be found in that tenant, then it could be: 1. Coming from an additional tenant that has same data via snapshot restore 2. Coming from a TEST, SANDBOX, or DEV environment (completely separate from the main ACU environment) which had a snapshot restored.
One thing that can be done to test this is to add something to the very end of the notification template that gets sent out on the main environment. Maybe an underscore or something that looks inconspicuous.
Then when a report of duplicate email is provided again, review both emails, and verify if one has the inconspicuous underscore or both have it.
If both have it, then we can conclude that it is duplicating on the main environment.
If only 1 has it, then we can conclude that it is a duplicate coming form a different separate environment, or tenant.
Hi @azhang were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
Thank you for replying. I checked it is set just like your screen shot.
Hi @azhang
Please open the Invoice/Memo report (AR641000) on report designer and check the mailing settings to see if there are any additional email addresses specified in the TO and CC fields.
When the AR508000 screen is used to send emails, I believe it uses the report mailing settings.