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Can the little error on AR202800.aspx be fixed by Acumatica develop team permanently?

  • 12 November 2020
  • 7 replies

  • Captain II
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    I always get Acumatica installation package from

From version 2018 to the latest 2020R2 version, every version is having a same minor issue which happened on “Statement cycle” screen. (I am just wondering nobody else report this issue before? It exists in every package.)

The issue is caused  by the incorrect code writing in AR202800.aspx, like below:

  The right writing should be 

<px:PXLabel ID="Dash1" runat="server">?</px:PXLabel>


            Yes, I can fix this issue quickly by myself, however, if every time after any upgrading I have to fix it again and again,  I feel frustrated.

           Sorry to ask, is this issue be left on purpose?  Because if this issue exists, any new user would be blocked at the time of initialization a new company, without statement cycle definitions nobody can proceed. So?  Is it a little trick here that would allow consultant to step in? 
          If my guess is wrong, this issue shall better be fixed in the new installation package.
        Thank you.

Best answer by Nayan Mansinha

I checked in 2018R212 and markup is correct. So it is not an issue. May be at some point you had the page customized and that caused the issue? Best will be to create OOTB instance and check the page.


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Nayan Mansinha
Community Manager
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  • Answer
  • December 15, 2020

I checked in 2018R212 and markup is correct. So it is not an issue. May be at some point you had the page customized and that caused the issue? Best will be to create OOTB instance and check the page.


Vinay Koppula
Semi-Pro II
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  • December 15, 2020

Yes, I concur with Nayan, I just verified in 20R1 and I do not see any issue in it.  



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  • December 16, 2020

@nmansinha @vinayrajk 
Thank you, thank you very much for the verification from your side.
However, I have 3 little questions:

1, Why I am seeing a “?”, and you both are displaying a “-”? are we looking at a same page?
What I am looking at is AR202800.aspx

2, I would agree that it in large chance this issue happaned only to me by mis customization.
But I am just wondering, every time a new upgrade would overwrite all files in /pages.
How shall this AR202800.aspx be restored to a incorrect version?

where is the incorrect infomation being kept, and how can I delete it?

3, did you get the package from the same place:

Vinay Koppula
Semi-Pro II
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  • December 16, 2020
ray20 wrote:

@nmansinha @vinayrajk 
Thank you, thank you very much for the verification from your side.
However, I have 3 little questions:

1, Why I am seeing a “?”, and you both are displaying a “-”? are we looking at a same page?
What I am looking at is AR202800.aspx

2, I would agree that it in large chance this issue happaned only to me by mis customization.
But I am just wondering, every time a new upgrade would overwrite all files in /pages.
How shall this AR202800.aspx be restored to a incorrect version?

where is the incorrect infomation being kept, and how can I delete it?

3, did you get the package from the same place:

#1. Not sure why it is displaying “?” for you. I’m looked at a same page AR202800.aspx.

#2. Let us know how do you upgrade the versions? 
#3. Yes, got the package from same place. 


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  • December 17, 2020
vinayrajk wrote:

#1. Not sure why it is displaying “?” for you. I’m looked at a same page AR202800.aspx.

#2. Let us know how do you upgrade the versions? 
#3. Yes, got the package from same place. 

Thank you very much for your time.
Just reply to #2,
1,installed a new version AcumaticaERP.msi
2,  unpblished the customizaion on the instance.
3, using the wizard to upgrade the old instance,both DB and site at the same time

Note: even after the 3rd steps, I found the AR202800.aspx is incorrect.

4, publish the customizaion.

note: after the customization be published, I checked the AR202800.aspx modified date, it is the same with other pages, not changed by the customization

5, Finally, since the AR202800.aspx is broken, I have to replace it with a correct one. Or I just simply open it in a text editor and modify the coding lines.

everytime, the 5 step is an extra step and unnessary step, I don’t know why.
please advise.



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  • December 21, 2020

@Vinay K @nmansinha 
I am sorry, I did not figure things clearly. and posted a wrong question.
thank you.

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  • February 25, 2021

Hello, to whom also interested in this question.


As I verified, the files in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Acumatica ERP\AcumaticaERP\Pages\AR\AR202800BKP


would overwrite the page file every upgrading.
if I rename the AR202800BKP folder, the files of new upgrade would not be overwrite anymore.


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