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Is there a Business Event Notification option when a specific item is purchased? I have tried setting up an event but Item ID is not in any of the fields. Is there a way to add this as a field to track? 

Also, how do I attach the purchase order to the email notification? 

Reason: certain items require special handling and other departments need to be aware of the purchase when it takes place. 

Hello, @kgriffin ,

For your new notification, one option is to create a new Generic Inquiry that contains new Sales Order lines containing all the items that require special handling. Your GI will contain conditions, such as Sales Order date = today, Stock Item Class = Your Special Items class]  or Stock Item ID = = list the Inventory ID’s that require special handling].  

Once you have a GI that shows new Sales Orders requiring special handling, your new GI can be used as the Basis for a Business Event.  The Business Event will send an email (to the people or workgroups you subscribe to it) when a new line is added to your GI. 

When you design the Email Notification, you have control over the fields that appear in the email. One field will be Purchase Order Number -- this will be a link to where your department members can see the Purchase Order and print it as needed.

Please search this community for examples of Generic Inquiry for Business events for examples and more information.

I’m not sure the printed PO can be attached to your email notification without customization…

more clever Community people will come along and add more details for you.  😉

Good luck!


Thank you Laura for this information! I will put it all together and see how it works. Many Thanks
