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Approve Button on Notification Template to External Entity

  • 1 September 2022
  • 5 replies


Before I go down this path, I wanted to know if it would be a viable solution to add a button in an email to approve or reject a document based on selecting the link. 

I have been able to get an elementary version of this to work through sending certain text in an email for intake but the client wants to get more sophisticated with an actual actionable button.

I believe this would be possible with some variation of the portal- they click the link, brings them to the portal, they can approve- but not all customers will have an access. So ultimately I need to be able to get a response back without the need to authenticate.

Any input or experience on this topic would be greatly appreciated! 

HI @rhooper91 

Have you tried looking at workspaces in the portal? You can edit these:


Also, you would need to create an approval map for this. Have you done that in what you have figured for a workaround?


Thanks for the response. If I’m reading your response correctly, the portal is not a viable solution for them as they have 1000’s of clients that would be cumbersome to allow and manage access. 

I was able to find a proof of concept solution where I used an open-source resource that creates HTML buttons. When pressed it essentially creates an email with “Approved” or “Rejected” in the subject line and then the body is dynamically populated with the Sales Order number. I then wrote a business event to review emails in that inbox and, if Approved, moves the workflow to the next stage based on the custom workflow configuration.

Again, POC but shows that it is possible.

HI @rhooper91  

Sounds like you have a better plan that what I did. :) 

You can always add it for an idea for a future release for Acumatica to consider. 

Thanks, @kbeatty21 for your help on this :)

@kbeatty21 I’ll give this to you as best answer to commend your efforts on this. However, if someone comes to this thread in the future I would imagine that considering both of our solutions would be good. Will try to get an idea in the portal or see if its already been suggested and upvote.
