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Michael Ho - Acumatica Community Featured Member for November 2023

  • 8 November 2023
  • 7 replies

Meet Michael Ho our Acumatica Community Featured Member for November 2023. It’s great to have you as part of the Acumatica Community @mikeho!


Hi everyone! My name is Michael Ho, and I've been using Acumatica on the client side for over 2 years now. I kind of backed my way into a role at our ecommerce company that includes managing Acumatica (along with our other systems, like Shopify). I've come to really enjoy learning everything I can about Acumatica and these forums have been such a valuable resource for me, so THANK YOU to everyone who has every asked and/or answered a question here!

On the personal side, I was born and raised in Long Beach, CA and I’m married with 3 teenage kids. I'm relatively competent on the drums and guitar (having graduated with a degree in music, though never really using that degree in my professional career) and have a natural curiosity about many things, but particularly technology. I've included a photo that represents how most of us tend to meet each other these days - over Zoom. See you ‘round the forums!


Greetings, @mikeho !

I’m very glad to know your story, your Acumatica history. Congratulations on being featured on Acumatica Community; it’s a happy place.




Congratulations @mikeho on being the featured member! 

I have seen so many people end up in the Acumatica space like you did! 

I have had the pleasure of working with @mikeho in multiple capacities. His description of “backing into a role as an admin” Is true. But from the outside those who know him, know the role fits him like a glove. 


@mflores   Congratulations on being the featured member !! 

Thanks, everyone! I appreciate the kind words, and even more so the answers and insight I’ve received from each of you on these forums!

Congrats Michael thanks for being part of the community!

Congrats @mikeho for being the featured member this month and being a valued member of our community.
