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📢Who's attending the in person, Women in Technology Lunch/ Reception at Summit in January! 📢

Sarah Kurpe
Acumatica Employee

Hello My fellow WIT within our Acumatica Community members!

For those who don’t know, I am @Sarah Kurpe ,Major Partner Account Manager with Acumatica, and WOULD love to know who’s attending Summit, specifically the WIT Lunch and Reception? This will be my 7th Summit, and would love to ask more to join us! 

Here are some questions I thought my be helpful to spark some conversations/ connections before we go! 

  1. If you are attending the lunch/ reception, why did you choose to attend and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?
  2. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up?

My responses: (I can go first! 😉)

  1. If you are attending the lunch/ reception, why did you choose to attend and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?  I am very excited to attend the lunch , because it gives me an opportunity to meet up with some familiar faces and to meet new faces. I’ve found the atmosphere very welcoming both coming into the lunch, at the table, and during the speaker engagement. Often, the speakers have provide me insight and perspectives that helped me relook and rethink how I might approach my own circumstances. Many of us have similar challenges, frustrations, areas of self-doubt, and seeking support with other women has been very helpful to as we navigate our roles in the workplace, and in our personal lives.
  2. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up?  I would tell them… PLEASE JOIN US! I would be happy to attend with you and support you in getting the best experience!  I would encourage new faces to experience our community in person, as you will likely see how supportive, encouraging, and uplifting these events can be. I have made new friendships and connections by attending, and hope they benefit the same!

If you feel comfortable sharing your responses, please feel free to copy my questions or share your own  thoughts! Look forward to meeting many of you in person in January! 

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Kandy Beatty
Captain II
  • Captain II
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  • December 6, 2023

Hi @Sarah Kurpe 

The questions are the same or am I reading them wrong? 

Sarah Kurpe
Acumatica Employee
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  • Acumatica Employee
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  • December 6, 2023

@kandybeatty49 - GOOD CATCH!  I had them listed twice. Should be accurate now! Thank you! 

  • Freshman I
  • 2 replies
  • December 6, 2023
  1. If you are attending the lunch/ reception, why did you choose to attend and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?
    I am looking forward to meeting women who have made an impact on their organizations and community. I would like to gain a better understanding of how other women maintain balance in all aspects of their life, including professional success. I am also interested in learning how other women stay true to their genuine embodiment of feminine energy in the professional sphere.  
  1. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up?
    This will be my first in-person session, I am really looking forward to making new connections. 

Acumatica Moderator
  • Acumatica Moderator
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  • December 6, 2023

Sarah, this is amazing! I will be there of course:) My favorite day of the year!

  1. If you are attending the lunch/ reception, why did you choose to attend and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?
    Women in Tech event at Summit is a unique opportunity for me to see our whole WiT community in one room. It charges me with energy, inspiration and power for the rest of the year. To be honest, I never see as many positive, strong and supportive leaders in one room as we have at the WiT Luncheon. It helps me grow my professional network, find mentors and learn new skills. Can’t way to see everyone in January!
  1. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up? Definitely join us this year. If the session is full, ping me at to join the waiting list. We have a rich agenda and a diverse group of strong panelists from Acumatica’s WiT community who will share their learnings, so everyone will take something useful and interesting that I’m sure will help you in your career.

Freshman I

I’m honored to be part of the women in tech initiative. I hope to learn from the inspiring speakers and network with other like-minded professionals who are passionate about raising awareness and empowering women in the tech industry.

I had the privilege of attending the lunch/ reception last year and it was a memorable and empowering experience. I loved the sense of community and solidarity I felt in the room, surrounded by amazing women who are making a difference in the tech world. If you haven’t signed up yet, I urge you to do so as soon as possible. You won’t regret it. This is a unique opportunity to connect with other women in tech, to exchange ideas and experiences, and to grow personally and professionally. All you need is to block some time on your event calendar, to come with an open mind, and a willingness to learn and share. Trust me, you will be glad you did.

  1. If you are attending the lunch/ reception, why did you choose to attend and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?  This is my first Acumatica Summit and I thought it would be a good way to have some smaller group interaction and I heard great reviews in the Women in Tech: Career Advancement webinar recently.
  2. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up?  N/A

Acumatica Moderator
  • Acumatica Moderator
  • 14 replies
  • December 6, 2023

Hey Sarah, thanks a lot for bringing up this topic! It's easy to get so wrapped up in our daily routine that we forget to look forward to amazing events like this.

  1. If you are attending the lunch/reception, why did you choose to attend, and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?
    • 🙂I am super excited to attend the Women in Technology (WiT) luncheon for the third time at Summit 2024. It's an incredible experience to be surrounded by women from various backgrounds and professions. As the speakers share their thoughts, I look around the room and I realize that the topics discussed relate to all of us, despite our differences. Every year, I make an effort to initiate a conversation with someone new and connect with them on LinkedIn. you never know how your paths might cross in the future! Come say Hello! You can’t miss me; I usually wear a bright-colored blazer! 😅👔
  2. If you have attended one of these in-person in the past, what did you like most about it? What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up?
    • 😎This event is both fun and inspiring, and an opportunity to network and connect with so many strong and pioneering women in the technology field. Join us; you won’t regret it! 🤝🏻

Acumatica Moderator
  • Acumatica Moderator
  • 15 replies
  • December 6, 2023

Thanks for reaching out @Sarah Kurpe!

  1. Why did I choose to attend and what am I hoping to take away from the experience? The Women in Tech Luncheon is a fantastic opportunity to meet other industry professionals, learn from their experiences, and get advice from seasoned experts. It also offers a chance to network with like-minded women in the industry, exchange stories, and create a community of support. 
  2. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up? The open setting format was great, and it allowed us to connect with all attendees. And the networking exercises to facilitate conversations with peers.

Looking forward to participating in the 2024 WiT Luncheon in January 😊

Acumatica Moderator
  • Acumatica Moderator
  • 3 replies
  • December 6, 2023

Hi Sarah,

WiT reception/luncheon is one of my favorite events at the Acumatica Summit. 

Why did I choose to attend and what am I hoping to take away from the experience?

I feel it’s a great opportunity to meet like-minded women and share ideas, engage in interesting conversations, and celebrate the power of face-to-face interactions. I attended WiT last year and felt the session was designed in such a way that it allowed attendees to explore a number of thought-provoking issues that don’t always get the attention they deserve. 

If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it? What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up? 

It’s such a fun and interactive event. I’ve attended many WiT events but this one stands out because there is such a sense of community where I felt we can lean on each other and learn so much from our experiences. 


I urge everyone to sign up for this one!

Kandy Beatty
Captain II
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  • 2209 replies
  • December 8, 2023
  1. If you are attending the lunch/ reception, why did you choose to attend and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?

These sessions always give me a good perspective on how I can better handle things. Working, being a mom and wife, along with all other challenges we face as not just women but humans is tough to balance sometimes and we need to hear it's ok to not feel alone in being overwhelmed. I like to hear how others handle these situations as well. I also can't wait to see old faces and meet new ones as well.

  1. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up?

The networking and meeting new people is always a favorite for me. The exercises that are held to meet new people are interesting and fun.

  1. If you are attending the lunch/ reception, why did you choose to attend and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?
    I am looking forward to meeting from others within the Acumatica Women in Tech community in-person and gain insight on skills that help women excel in their personal and professional life!
  2. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up?
    I previously attended a few sessions… and they are all were very fun and rewarding. I’d recommend signing up for the upcoming event to swap tips and experiences while building your network.

Freshman I


newer to the community is the luncheon noted on the agenda to register for?



Acumatica Moderator
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  • 27 replies
  • January 9, 2024

@jenniferandreas38 Yes, it’s in the agenda, however, as of December 1st, the session is full. That being said, we usually have some last minutes cancellations. So, please do come by 12:10, and we will start letting people in on a first come first served basis. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Freshman I
  • Freshman I
  • 1 reply
  • January 9, 2024
  1. If you are attending the lunch/ reception, why did you choose to attend and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?

I love the interaction with the Acumatica community. It’s a great way to hear about others business needs and learn about new features and products.

  1. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up?

In today’s world, most of the business are done online, with little to no personal interaction. The Summit gives the opportunity to connect with other members, to hear about their solutions or ideas for new product development. In a nutshell the experience is valuable in every aspect.

Freshman I
  1. If you are attending the lunch/ reception, why did you choose to attend and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?

It’s always a blast getting together with new, as well as familiar faces. It can be difficult to catch up with everyone in the Acumatica Community with the rate at which Acumatica Summit is growing so these Women in Technology events provide an easier way for all of us to stay connected.

  1. If you have attended one of these in person sessions in the past, what did you like most about it?  What would tell someone who hasn’t signed up?

Make it a priority to be in the room! There’s so much to do and see at Summit so it can be easy to prioritize other things before going to the Women In Tech events but the opportunity to network and learn from these women is too good to pass up.

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