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Toolbar Button Translation Issue


Hello Acumatica Community,

I am currently working on customizing the Tickets Screen (CR306000) in Acumatica and have added the following toolbar button within the aspx file:

          <px:PXToolBarButton Text="NOTIZ ERSTELLEN" Tooltip="Eine Interne Notiz erstellen" Key="AddActivityEN">
            <AutoCallBack Target="ds" Command="NewActivityEN" /></px:PXToolBarButton>


However, when displayed in the UI, the button text does not reflect "NOTIZ ERSTELLEN" ("Create Note" in German). Instead, it appears as "Create Notiz", where "Create" remains in English while "Note" is translated to “Notiz”. He seems to use the Activity Description here.

I can’t seem to find out where i can translate this - or get rid of the “Create” as this doesn’t seem to appear in Translation Dictionaries. 

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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