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Wild cards in filter for pivot table


I have a pivot table with item numbers for rows and financial periods for columns.  I want to filter the item numbers.

I have items number that are 3 letters, a hyphen, then 5 integers.  Example: VIP-69075

And I have item numbers that are 2 letters, a hyphen, then 4 integers.  Example VI-3501

I want a filter that will show me all the items with digits beginning “3” but only the 2-letter ones.  I can ask for Starts With VI-3 and I can ask for Contains -3 but neither shows me exactly what I’m looking for, which would be Starts With __-3, but that doesn’t yield any results for me.  (I need to indicate a wild card of precisely 2 characters.)  Is there a way to do this?

5 replies

  • Varsity I
  • 71 replies
  • October 10, 2023


This may or may not be helpful but you can do this through a customization.

If it was me I would look at implementing a Custom Selector.  There are some good articles on the forum on how custom connectors work.  Essentially you derive a class from PXCustomSelector Atrribute:


In here you can apply some logic to filter down to a list of inventory items based on whatever logic you want,  then you apply the filter in the DAC so that it applies to the relevant field



I can help you out further if you a) have some understanding of how to customise Acumatica, and b) can share some screenshots of exactly where you want to apply the filter (I’m not 100% sure of what you mean by I have a Pivot table)




  • Semi-Pro I
  • 715 replies
  • October 10, 2023

Hi @JWS539 Just to clarifiy. Here is the Pivot tables in Acumatica.


  • Varsity I
  • 71 replies
  • October 10, 2023

Thanks,  will give it some thought.


  • Semi-Pro I
  • 715 replies
  • October 10, 2023

Hi @NathanKahn Please confirm if you are trying to use the wild cards on the Pivot Table, as shown in the below screenshot.


  • Author
  • Freshman I
  • 22 replies
  • October 11, 2023

@ChandraM yes, like that.  See two images below.  I am currently solving the problem by exporting to Excel and filtering with “??-3”  I suspect that to do it within Acumatica will require customization, as @JWS539 described above.  In the past I’ve hired my VAR to do customization, but this does look rather simple and a good opportunity for learning. 






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