Hey everyone! I was able to add a Manual Tax Zone - where I can manually add a tax amount on the taxes tab - that’s linked to an imported tax zone. It was definitely helpful brainstorming it out here though as it helped me link the category, zone, and tax ID in one swoop.
My steps to do so were the following:
- Create a Tax ID with Misc Tax Start Dates on the schedules tab with 0 tax rate, 0 min taxable amount and max taxable amount. Link to input and output groups. Link to the taxable Category.
- Create a Tax Zone and link the Tax ID created above on the Applicable Taxes tab. The Tax Zone is based on any of your linked countries, could be all of them as needed.
- Link Tax Zone to the Financials Tab of the invoice to the Customer Tax Zone under the Tax Info category.
Note that this is for manual imports (uploading from import scenarios and data migration tools) for historical data. This can also work for manually inputting taxes that have already been calculated outside of Acumatica and not using a tax provider. @Laura02 Thank you so much for your help!