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How to get Contact Name and Project Description from Sales Order Screen in customization

I am creating a customization to the Sales Order Entry screen, and I need to capture the data from the screen.  I can get the ID numbers for the Contact and the Project from the SOOrder object, but I need to send the actual contact name and project description.  I can get the Customer and Location information from the screen by getting the Current record in the cache, but when I tried this for Contact and Project, the Current property is NULL.  How can I easily get this information so I can get the fields I need?  Any ideas?

                SOOrder soOrder = (SOOrder)Base.Caches[typeof(SOOrder)].Current;
                Customer customer = (Customer)Base.Caches[typeof(Customer)].Current;
                Location location = (Location)Base.Caches[typeof(Location)].Current;

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