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How to sum Tax ID total on report


Good day

I want to sum my tax totals by Tax ID  from the DAC ARTax.

I have a scenario where I have to taxes on a sales order invoice  how best can I sum them on the report by the Tax ID as per the screenshot below

In my case for this invoice I have a tax total of 105.88, and on the invoice print out in the footer I want to split the two as per the above screenshot.

I have the formula =IIf([ARTax.TaxID]='SVUS',Sum([ARTax.CuryTaxAmt]),0) for the SVUS Tax ID and =IIf([ARTax.TaxID]='SUTAXUSD',Sum([ARTax.CuryTaxAmt]),0) FOR the SUTAXUSD ,Tax ID.


However on the invoice template the split is not coming out correctly what could I be missing?

The computation is not coming out as desired

which should be:

Sub Total:             542.90

Less Discount        32.64

Invoice Total         510.26

Tax Total                 76.54

Surtax Total            29.34

Total                      616.14

I added the ARTax table on my schema to my report design as shown below



2 replies


Hi @kudzaim20,


one way is that you can use a sub-report to get tax records to display in the main report.

define desired fields (TaxID and TaxAmount). and put the sub-report into your main report.


here is the result.

then you can use your formula to get the sum and add to the total. 

hope this helps :)

  • Author
  • Jr Varsity II
  • 41 replies
  • March 20, 2024
RManathungage94 wrote:

Hi @kudzaim20,


one way is that you can use a sub-report to get tax records to display in the main report.

define desired fields (TaxID and TaxAmount). and put the sub-report into your main report.


here is the result.

then you can use your formula to get the sum and add to the total. 

hope this helps :)

Thanks for the sub report option. However I will have issues aligning the sub report to an external tax recording software.

The other option is to use variables , but on summing up a variable I get the following error message

Variable $Vat defined
Error message on now trying to sum the variable $Vat in the footer of report

Is there a way to Sum a variable in Report Designer?


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