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How can I create a selector that lists all printers available via the devicehub at the top of a new processing screen?


I have the following code set up which prints to a specific hard coded printer name on the devicehub. I’m stumped as to how to create the selector to get a list of printers from the devicehub.  This is what I have so far which doesn’t work correctly as clicking on the selector gives an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


The code is below:

using System;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Objects.SO;
using PX.Data.BQL.Fluent;
using PX.TM;
using PX.Common;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using PX.Objects.CR;
using PX.SM;
using PX.Reports;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;

namespace PPCustomOrderProcess

  public class AIProcessOrdersCust : PXGraph<AIProcessOrdersCust>

    [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Printer")]
        SubstituteKey = typeof(SMPrinter.printerName),
        DescriptionField = typeof(SMPrinter.description))]
    public virtual Guid? SelectedPrinter { get; set; }
    public abstract class selectedPrinter : PX.Data.BQL.BqlGuid.Field<selectedPrinter> { }

    public class wOOrderType: PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<wOOrderType> {
      public wOOrderType() : base("WO") { }

    public class paymentMethodAFFIRM: PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<paymentMethodAFFIRM> {
      public paymentMethodAFFIRM() : base("AFFIRM") { }

    public class paymentMethodAFTERPAY: PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<paymentMethodAFTERPAY> {
      public paymentMethodAFTERPAY() : base("AFTERPAY") { }

    public class paymentMethodPAYPAL: PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<paymentMethodPAYPAL> {
      public paymentMethodPAYPAL() : base("PAYPAL") { }

    public class paymentMethodCCARD: PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<paymentMethodCCARD> {
      public paymentMethodCCARD() : base("CCARD") { }

    public class dropShipStart: PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<dropShipStart> {
      public dropShipStart() : base("DS%") { }

    public class signatureWaived: PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<signatureWaived> {
      public signatureWaived() : base("%SIGNATURE WAIVED%") { }

    public class intlShipVia: PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Constant<intlShipVia> {
      public intlShipVia() : base("%intl%") { }

    public class orderTotalMaxSpend: PX.Data.BQL.BqlDecimal.Constant<orderTotalMaxSpend> {
      public orderTotalMaxSpend() : base(500m) { }

    public PXCancel<SOOrder> Cancel;

  // Create an alias for clarity
  public class OuterSOOrder : SOOrder { }

  public SelectFrom<SOOrder>
                                SOOrder.status.IsEqual<SOOrderStatus.shipping> // Change shipping to completed before final publish
    .ProcessingView AISOOrder;

    public AIProcessOrdersCust()
      AISOOrder.SetProcessAllCaption("Assign All");


    public PXFilter<DetailsTable> DetailsView;

    public class DetailsTable : IBqlTable


    /// <summary>
    /// Processing Method to Assign Owner to Logged-in User
    /// </summary>
    private static void ProcessOrder(SOOrder order)
        var graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SOOrderEntry>();

        // Select the order
        graph.Document.Current = graph.Document.Search<SOOrder.orderNbr>(order.OrderNbr, order.OrderType);

        if (graph.Document.Current != null)
            int? currentUserContactID = PXAccess.GetContactID();
            if (currentUserContactID != null)
                graph.Document.Cache.SetValueExt<SOOrder.ownerID>(graph.Document.Current, currentUserContactID);

                // Log the new OwnerID for verification
                PXTrace.WriteInformation($"Setting OwnerID to {currentUserContactID} for Order {order.OrderNbr}");

                // Save the changes

                // Create a shipment for the order

                bool shipmentCreated = CreateShipmentFromButton(graph);

                // Confirm the shipmnent is created before pressing the new button

                if (shipmentCreated)
                    // Retrieve the Shipment Number
                    var shipmentNbr = GetShipmentNumber(order);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipmentNbr))
                      // Load shipment graph and print the shipment confirmation
                      var shipmentGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SOShipmentEntry>();
                      var shipment = shipmentGraph.Document.Search<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>(shipmentNbr);

                      if (shipment != null)
                        bool printedShipmentConfirmation = PrintShipmentConfirmation(shipmentGraph, shipmentNbr);

                        if (printedShipmentConfirmation)
                          PXProcessing<SOOrder>.SetInfo($"Order {order.OrderNbr} successfully assigned to user with ContactID: {currentUserContactID} and shipment {shipmentNbr} printed.");
                          PXProcessing<SOOrder>.SetInfo($"Order {order.OrderNbr} successfully assigned to user with ContactID: {currentUserContactID} and shipment {shipmentNbr} created but not printed.");
                        PXProcessing<SOOrder>.SetError($"Order {order.OrderNbr} successfully assigned to user with ContactID: {currentUserContactID}, but shipment could not be retrieved to print.");
                        PXProcessing<SOOrder>.SetWarning($"Shipment created, but no shipment number found for Order {order.OrderNbr}.");
                    PXProcessing<SOOrder>.SetError($"Order {order.OrderNbr} successfully assigned to user with ContactID: {currentUserContactID}, but shipment could not be created.");
                PXProcessing<SOOrder>.SetError($"Failed to assign OwnerID: No ContactID found for current user.");
            PXProcessing<SOOrder>.SetError($"Order {order.OrderNbr} not found.");

    private static Guid GetPrinterIdByName(string printerName, PXGraph printGraph)
        // Query the SMPrinter table for a printer with the specified printerName
        var printer = PXSelect<SMPrinter,
                                Where<SMPrinter.printerName, Equal<Required<SMPrinter.printerName>>>>.Select(printGraph, printerName);

        if (printer != null && printer.Count > 0)
            SMPrinter smPrinter = printer[0];

            if (smPrinter.PrinterID.HasValue)
                return smPrinter.PrinterID.Value; // Return the PrinterID as a non-nullable Guid
                // Handle the case where PrinterID is null
                throw new Exception($"Printer '{printerName}' has a null PrinterID.");

        // Handle the case where the printer wasn't found
        throw new Exception($"Printer '{printerName}' not found.");

    private static bool PrintShipmentConfirmation(SOShipmentEntry shipmentGraph, string shipmentNbr)
      bool success = false;

      if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipmentNbr))
        throw new PXException("Shipment Number is required for printing.");

          const string reportID = "SO642000";
          const string description = "Shipment Confirmation";

          var parametersDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
              { "ShipmentNbr", shipmentNbr },
              // Add other parameters if necessary

          PXGraph printGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SMPrintJobMaint>();
          // Step 2: Define the print settings
          PrintSettings printSettings = new PrintSettings()
              PrinterID = GetPrinterIdByName("W2PDFHUB", printGraph), // Replace with logic to get the default printer ID
              //PrinterID = printerID,
              NumberOfCopies = 1,
              PrintWithDeviceHub = true,
              DefinePrinterManually = true

          // Step 3: Create the print job
          PXGraph.CreateInstance<SMPrintJobMaint>().CreatePrintJob(printSettings, reportID, parametersDictionary, "Shipment Confirmation", CancellationToken.None);

          // Log or handle any post-print actions
          PXTrace.WriteInformation("Shipment Confirmation print job initiated.");

      catch (Exception ex)
          PXTrace.WriteError($"Failed to print Shipment Confirmation for {shipmentNbr}. Error: {ex.Message}");
          throw new PXException($"Failed to print Shipment Confirmation for {shipmentNbr}. Please check the printer configuration.");
        success = true;

      return success;

    /// <summary>
    /// Retrieves the Shipment Number associated with the order.
    /// </summary>
    private static string GetShipmentNumber(SOOrder order)
        var shipment = PXSelect<SOOrderShipment,
            Where<SOOrderShipment.orderType, Equal<Required<SOOrderShipment.orderType>>,
                And<SOOrderShipment.orderNbr, Equal<Required<SOOrderShipment.orderNbr>>>>>
            .SelectWindowed(new PXGraph(), 0, 1, order.OrderType, order.OrderNbr);

        return shipment != null ? ((SOOrderShipment)shipment).ShipmentNbr : null;

    private static bool CreateShipmentFromButton(SOOrderEntry graph)

          // Trigger the "Create Shipment" action on the graph (simulate button click)
          PXAction<SOOrder> createShipmentAction = graph.Actions["CreateShipment"] as PXAction<SOOrder>;
          if (createShipmentAction != null)
              // If the button exists, press it programmatically
              PXTrace.WriteInformation($"Pressing button for create shipment");


              return true;
              PXTrace.WriteError("Create Shipment action not found.");
          return false;


    private static void createShipmentActionPress(SOOrderEntry graph)
            PXAction<SOOrder> createShipmentAction = graph.Actions["CreateShipment"] as PXAction<SOOrder>;
        catch (Exception ex)
            PXTrace.WriteError("Error pressing Create Shipment button: " + ex.Message);



Best answer by Django

I wonder if you need to change your declaration from




The APTran.cs file has the Custodian field which is using EPEmployee.userID like you’re using PrinterID

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2 replies

  • Captain II
  • 550 replies
  • Answer
  • January 9, 2025

I wonder if you need to change your declaration from




The APTran.cs file has the Custodian field which is using EPEmployee.userID like you’re using PrinterID

  • Author
  • Semi-Pro I
  • 134 replies
  • January 11, 2025

@Django Thanks.  That was really helpful.  I ended up changing to a Guid but also needed to add a PXFilter :

public PXFilter<PrinterFilter> PrinterView;

    public class PrinterFilter : IBqlTable
        #region PrinterID
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Printer")]
            typeof(Search<SMPrinter.printerID>),  // Assuming printerID is the GUID field
            SubstituteKey = typeof(SMPrinter.printerName),
            DescriptionField = typeof(SMPrinter.description),
            DirtyRead = true)]
        public virtual Guid? PrinterID { get; set; }
        public abstract class printerID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlGuid.Field<printerID> { }

Once I added that to the screen I could select a printer.


Thanks for your help,




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