I am working on customization screen ( Project Transaction Details)

I want to add new selector field to the exisintg Enquiry screen. The problem I am facing is
1) The exsiting acumatica DAC Filter values, they are hidden and in same graph(TransactionInquiry)
2) When I try to extend this filter and add new filter (i.e a new selector), it is not showing in my customization screen.
3) I feel, as existing fields are all unbound and its hidden, my newly added extended dac filter selector is not exposed and does not recognize the TranFilter DAC.

public class TranFilter : IBqlTable
#region ProjectID
public abstract class projectID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlInt.Field<projectID> { }
protected Int32? _ProjectID;
[Project(typeof(Where<PMProject.baseType, Equal<CT.CTPRType.project>, And<PMProject.nonProject, Equal<False>>>), WarnIfCompleted = false)]
#region AccountGroupID
#region ProjectTaskID
#region CostCode
Could anyone please help me and suggest the best practice ,
1) Add new field value( a selector dac) via extending this TranFilter DAC, and I want my new selector to behave just like projectID field.
2) have it in use via extenidng the graph via delegate