Hi Community,
I have an issue with the Push Notifications it is not hitting in my local URL with Webhooks.
I’m able to add a new Push notificaition and configure the URL with the https://webhook.site/ and it is working fine and getting the updated details as shown below when making changes in Manufacturer tab.

Now I’m trying to do the same in my local in a ASP .NET Core Web API project I have written a small POST request and updated the URL in the Push notifications Tab, but every time I edit or add a new Manufacturer it is being listed in Process Push Notifications tab with an error message:
“Send to target TestWebhook failed. Message: Send to web hook fails. Error: An error occurred while sending the request.”
My local URL: https://localhost:7262/Manufacturer/PostManufacturerUpdate

Please let me know if I’m missing any steps or is there anyting wrong with my POST request or if there is any issue related to Webhooks so that I can resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance.!!!