When a user creates a new contact, my customer wants the Owner field to be defaulted to the current user account.

I’ve written code to do this, but I am afraid the Acumatica police will come knocking any day now.
I’m upgrading someone else’s code and in 2020R1, they simply set the OwnerID field to the current UserID. The OwnerID field is now int, not GUID so the code was broken.
First, I am using an obsolete call to PXAccess.GetUserID(). I use that ID in a Fluent BQL statement to get the DefContactID from the BAccount table by joining it to the EPEmployee table where the EPEmployee is the UserID.
It isn’t pretty but it works. I am supposed to use ICurrentUserInformationProvider to get the UserID but I don’t know how to implement it.
This is the code I am using:
protected void Contact_ContactID_FieldDefaulting(PXCache cache, PXFieldDefaultingEventArgs e)
var row = (Contact)e.Row;
Contact crcontact = e.Row as Contact;
if (row.ContactID == null)
var myID = PXAccess.GetUserID();
BAccount account = SelectFrom<BAccount>.InnerJoin<EPEmployee>.On<EPEmployee.bAccountID.IsEqual<BAccount.bAccountID>>.Where<EPEmployee.userID.IsEqual<@P.AsGuid>>
.View.Select(Base, myID);
if (account != null)
row.OwnerID = account.DefContactID;
If anyone wants to give me advice on how to improve this, that would be great.
Thank you,