Good Evening,
i’d like to know if i am doing something wrong in my thinking,
or if its something else. Let’s start with the general game plan.
Game Plan
We have created several new Status to symbolice the process after a Sales Order is finished.
For our purpose i tried to start with two new Status.
Y - Billed
X - Partly Billed
My plan is to change the Status based on one field:
This field alone gives me much information to work with,
therefore i created several conditions to use in workflow actions.
(Ignore the placeholder Names)
The Conditions
IsInvoiceCreatedFully | UnbilledOrderTotal = 0

IsInvoiceCreatedPartial | UnbilledOrderTotal > 0 AND UnbilledOrderTotal <> [OrderTotal]

Here u can see i check if UnbilledOrderTotal is higher 0 AND if UnbilledOrderTotal is not the same as OrderTotal.
IsInvoicesDeleted | UnbilledOrderTotal = [OrderTotal]

If UnbilledOrderTotal equals OrderTotal
In my eyes, these should work.
As described in this wonderful PDF i tried to create the Auto-Run Action under Example 2.1.4
For that i created several Actions the way its described in the PDF.
AutoAssign-Beendet (Beendet => Finished)
AutoAssign-InFaktura (In Faktura => Billed)
AutoAssign-T-InFaktura (Teilweise in Faktura => Partly Billed)
Those are all Workflow Actions.
Following the Example i’ve added the Actions as Transition to the Status “Completed” to the Status “Partly Billed” (for Example).
This is how it looks inside of Status C (Completed)

And this is the Transition itself.
The Trigger Name is correct (Referring to the Action AutoAssign-T-InFaktura)
Target State is Correct also. Nothing else to do here.

I tried this with several different Conditions,
but it wont reliable switch the Status. Sometimes it switches to “Billed”,
sometimes it just stays at Completed - Never to “Partly Billed” tho. With my other Transitions (Partly Billed/Billed -> Completed) its the same. If i delete the Invoice, it just stays at the current Status and does not go back to Completed.
I dont really see or know why, so if someone could help,
i’d appreciate it.