The Sales Quotes screen has an option to ‘Convert To Order’. This option pops up the screen below and when you click Create And Review, the system creates a sales order based on the sales quote and uses ‘throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(docgraph, "");’ to direct the user to the sales order screen.

Below is the sales orders screen, the important point is that the sales order has not been saved to the database at this point. The user has to click save to persist the info to the database.

At the point of saving the sales order I want to create a purchase order (I won’t explain why).
It’s important that the purchase order isn’t created unless the sales order is saved.
I was going to create a POOrderEntry graph in the RowPersisting event but this results in error PX1045, as shown below.

I cannot figure out where I can place my code in the SOEntry graph without the use of an event, which isn’t allowed.
I wondered whether the call of PXRedirectRequiredException might provide a method I could override, but since this is called from the QuoteMaint page I don’t think it’s an option.
Can anyone advise how I can implement this requirement?