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EasyPost Manifest Confusion

  • March 13, 2025
  • 1 reply

  • Jr Varsity III
  • 20 replies

The following post indicates that manifesting has been implemented for EasyPost with direct UPS/FedEx integration on the roadmap as of 2022.  I took that to mean that batching and manifesting works for UPS via EasyPost.

UPS End of Day Reporting

But when you try to batch & manifest shipments from a Test integration with EasyPost, you get the error message “Unable to create a ScanForm from shipments bought from this carrier”.  I thought it might just be a Test system issue, but EasyPost Support provided the following information:

Thank you for reaching out to EasyPost Support about End of Day/ScanForm/Manifesting with UPS. The integration that EasyPost has with UPS is a live-rated integration, which means when you create the shipment through EasyPost, EasyPost sends that information to UPS electronically and they return rates to us in real-time. Because of this, UPS is already aware that the shipment has been created and doesn't need further record. This is in contrast with other carriers that do not have a shipment's information in their system until a manifest has been created and scanned. Scanning the package at pickup simply initiates the package into the tracking system so tracking updates can be sent to relevant parties.
Unfortunately, manifesting for UPS is not necessary or supported because the shipment is automatically manifested to the carrier upon purchase. There are no plans to build manifesting for UPS. I would also mention that the above is also applied to FedEx as well. 

Our current SAP ERP system is directly integrated with UPS via ShipExec.  Batches are closed each day in the EOD process by the Shipping Supervisor, the manifest is transmitted to UPS, and a driver summary label is printed with a barcode for the batch ID and the number of packages in the batch.  UPS already has the package info in this case as well, but if we don’t transmit the closed batch, UPS assesses fees for not sending/confirming the PLD (package level detail).

Assuming EasyPost is just using a different API option, if you need a driver summary for reconciliation purposes that provides the number of packages being picked-up, are you just creating a Generic Inquiry for shipments for the carrier for the day?




1 reply

  • Author
  • Jr Varsity III
  • 20 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Here is a follow-up response from EasyPost Support regarding PLD:

Thank you for letting me know. I would like to mention that the API we use(UPS's Shipping API) doesn't actually support PLD's as it requires a different API(I believe this is the Quantum View API). We've always been informed that these forms weren't required, especially since with the labels returned by UPS have a little bow at the bottom of the label. This bow is a reference that it was generated via the Shipping API and doesn't require a manifest. Hence why we don't have manifesting built out or don't have any current plans for such.


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