Looking for some help on how to trigger a business event on the service order screen from Workflow Stage (WFStageID). I’d like to send a notification if the stage = WON. I’ve tried setting up a business event from both the service order screen and a GI screen with no luck.
Here are the workflow stage settings:

My first attempt was using the Service Orders screen and WFStageID. The Workflow Stage does not have any values. I tried manually inputting WON or ‘WON’ for various conditions and the system erases anything I put in there upon saving the record. I also tried this without the first condition of equals CAL.

The second attempt was creating a business event from the service orders GI and using wFStageCD. There still weren’t any selectable values available for workflow stage, but I was able to manually input WON and save it. Upon testing this event did not trigger.

Has anyone else created an event from the workflow stage that could help?