I am new to Construction (but not to Projects and not to Acumatica). I’m looking to confirm the steps for properly correcting customer project invoices with retainage in the below circumstances.
Here’s the situation.
- We created a pro forma and invoice for a regular progress billing on 5/15 and released it, creating PF = A000008 and AR doc = A000072,(retainage amount on A000072 was $766).
- Then we also needed to bill retainage, so we released the retainage. We released only the $766 amount (using the same date as the progress invoice) producing AR doc = A000074 and related PF = A000008.
- On 5/16, we released the rest of the project retainage, $153,702. This seems to have created 2 AR docs (A000075 and 76):
- Doc 75 has the retainage invoice amount for the $153k, but no pro forma.
- Doc 76 is for $0 and has the pro forma with AIA doc showing $153k due, but we haven’t released it yet.
The goal here is to remove the retainage invoices A000074 and 75, as well as progress invoice A000072. Acumatica is telling us we need to reverse A000074 before reversing A000072, since the retainage is connected to it and has been released. That makes sense. But I’m concerned about the $153k invoice #75 and the related $0 unreleased invoice #76. I want to make sure that retainage also goes back into unreleased status. Just not sure where to start.
Thank you in advance, for any guidance you can give me.