Hi! I have read through topics below and am still having issue with inserting link for an email template I created.
How to add a link to the email template | Community (acumatica.com)
Dynamic link for Task email template | Community (acumatica.com)
I want this link to be able to navigate back to an Acumatica Screen. This is what I have in the template: ((GeneralInfo.notificationSiteUrl))/Main?ScreenId=EP301000&ExpenseClaim.RefNbr=((ExpenseClaim.RefNbr))
This is what it looks like when the email is sent:

I have also tried copy and pasting the URL into the template, but even though the RefNbr would change each time, when you click on the link, it always takes you back to the claim screen where the I copied the URL.
Any ideas on how to fix this link?