I’ll start this off by saying that I am new to the reports designer and I am having trouble figuring out where to start.
We ship internationally fairly often and have been using the EasyPost integration in Acumatica for all of our shipments. The integration will generate the Commercial Invoice from the carrier but it usually has incorrect values for items if they are a kit (it lists all the parts in the BOM of the kit with incorrect pricing instead of just listing the kit SKU). As a result I am forced to download and correct almost all of the commercial invoices that are generated, which is a waste of time.
I would like to be able to create 2 custom reports, one that is a customs invoice, and one that is an SLI (shippers letter of intent). I would need to display “Tariff Code”, item weight and possibly a couple of other attributes from the item. I don’t see where I can add item attributes to the report, can anyone point me in the right direction?